SPPAS Tutorial
(C) Brigitte Bigi - Laboratoire Parole et Langage - France
Step 8: Orthographic transcription (IPUscriber)
- Select the audio files and click on "IPUscriber"
- Click on the file to open
- Click on the IPU to transcribe and play the sound
- Perform manually the orthographic transcription of each IPU
- Tabs allow to transcribe several files in parallel
- Copy/Paste transcription is allowed (CTRL-C/CTRL-V)
- Save the displayed files or save all
- Transcription requirements and the convention are in the help
- It must includes: silent pauses, filled pauses, repeats, truncated words, etc...
- It must strictly follow the convention
- The same information is also in the documentation
- the full convention and advices is here: