SPPAS 4.22


Module sppas.src.anndata

Class sppasHierarchy


Generic representation of a hierarchy between tiers.

Two types of hierarchy are considered:

  • TimeAssociation: the points of a child tier are all equals to the points of a reference tier, as for example:

| parent: Words | l' | âne | est | là | | child: Lemmas | le | âne | être | là |

  • TimeAlignment: the points of a child tier are all included in the set of points of a reference tier, as for example:

| parent: Phonemes | l | a | n | e | l | a | | child: Words | l' | âne | est | là | | | parent: Phonemes | l | a | n | e | l | a | | child: Syllables | l.a | n.e | l.a |

In that example, notice that there's no hierarchy link between "Tokens" and "Syllables" and notice that "Phonemes" is the grand-parent of "Lemmas".

And the following obvious rules are applied:

  • A child can have ONLY ONE parent!
  • A parent can have as many children as wanted.
  • A hierarchy is a tree, not a graph.

Todo is to consider a time association that is not fully completed:

| parent: Tokens | l' | âne | euh | euh | est | là | @ | | child: Lemmas | le | âne | | être | là |


Create a new sppasHierarchy instance.

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def __init__(self):
    """Create a new sppasHierarchy instance."""
    super(sppasHierarchy, self).__init__()
    self.__hierarchy = OrderedDict()

Public functions


Return the parent tier for a given child tier.

  • child_tier: (sppasTier) The child tier to found
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def get_parent(self, child_tier):
    """Return the parent tier for a given child tier.

        :param child_tier: (sppasTier) The child tier to found

    if child_tier not in self.__hierarchy.keys():
        return None
    parent, link = self.__hierarchy[child_tier]
    return parent


Return the hierarchy type between a child tier and its parent.

  • (str) one of the hierarchy type
  • child_tier
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def get_hierarchy_type(self, child_tier):
    """Return the hierarchy type between a child tier and its parent.

        :returns: (str) one of the hierarchy type

    if child_tier not in self.__hierarchy.keys():
        return ''
    parent, link = self.__hierarchy[child_tier]
    return link


Return the list of children of a tier, for a given type.

  • parent_tier: (sppasTier) The child tier to found
  • link_type: (str) The type of hierarchy
  • List of tiers
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def get_children(self, parent_tier, link_type=None):
    """Return the list of children of a tier, for a given type.

        :param parent_tier: (sppasTier) The child tier to found
        :param link_type: (str) The type of hierarchy
        :returns: List of tiers

    if link_type is not None:
        if link_type not in sppasHierarchy.types:
            raise AnnDataTypeError(link_type, 'TimeAssociation, TimeAlignment')
    children = []
    for child_tier in self.__hierarchy.keys():
        parent, link = self.__hierarchy[child_tier]
        if parent is parent_tier:
            if link_type is None or link_type == link:
    return children


Return all the direct ancestors of a tier.

  • child_tier: (sppasTier)
  • List of tiers with parent, grand-parent, grand-grand-parent...
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def get_ancestors(self, child_tier):
    """Return all the direct ancestors of a tier.

        :param child_tier: (sppasTier)
        :returns: List of tiers with parent, grand-parent, grand-grand-parent...

    if child_tier not in self.__hierarchy.keys():
        return []
    ancestors = []
    parent = self.get_parent(child_tier)
    while parent is not None:
        parent = self.get_parent(parent)
    return ancestors


Validate a time alignment hierarchy link between 2 tiers.

  • parent_tier: (sppasTier) The parent tier
  • child_tier: (sppasTier) The child tier to be linked to parent


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def validate_time_alignment(parent_tier, child_tier):
    """Validate a time alignment hierarchy link between 2 tiers.

        :param parent_tier: (sppasTier) The parent tier
        :param child_tier: (sppasTier) The child tier to be linked to parent
        :raises: HierarchyAlignmentError

    if parent_tier.is_superset(child_tier) is False:
        raise HierarchyAlignmentError(parent_tier.get_name(), child_tier.get_name())


Validate a time association hierarchy link between 2 tiers.

  • parent_tier: (sppasTier) The parent tier
  • child_tier: (sppasTier) The child tier to be linked to the parent


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def validate_time_association(parent_tier, child_tier):
    """Validate a time association hierarchy link between 2 tiers.

        :param parent_tier: (sppasTier) The parent tier
        :param child_tier: (sppasTier) The child tier to be linked to the parent
        :raises: HierarchyAssociationError

    way_down = parent_tier.is_superset(child_tier)
    if way_down is False:
        raise HierarchyAssociationError(parent_tier.get_name(), child_tier.get_name())
    way_up = child_tier.is_superset(parent_tier)
    if way_up is False:
        raise HierarchyAssociationError(parent_tier.get_name(), child_tier.get_name())


Validate a hierarchy link between 2 tiers.

  • link_type: (constant) One of the hierarchy types
  • parent_tier: (sppasTier) The parent tier
  • child_tier: (sppasTier) The child tier to be linked to parent

AnnDataTypeError, HierarchyParentTierError, HierarchyChildTierError, HierarchyAncestorTierError, HierarchyAlignmentError, HierarchyAssociationError

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def validate_link(self, link_type, parent_tier, child_tier):
    """Validate a hierarchy link between 2 tiers.

        :param link_type: (constant) One of the hierarchy types
        :param parent_tier: (sppasTier) The parent tier
        :param child_tier: (sppasTier) The child tier to be linked to parent
        :raises: AnnDataTypeError, HierarchyParentTierError,         HierarchyChildTierError, HierarchyAncestorTierError,         HierarchyAlignmentError, HierarchyAssociationError

    if link_type not in sppasHierarchy.types:
        raise AnnDataTypeError(link_type, 'TimeAssociation, TimeAlignment')
    if child_tier in self.__hierarchy.keys():
        parent, link = self.__hierarchy[child_tier]
        raise HierarchyParentTierError(child_tier.get_name(), link, parent.get_name())
    if parent_tier == child_tier:
        raise HierarchyChildTierError(child_tier.get_name())
    if link_type == 'TimeAlignment':
        sppasHierarchy.validate_time_alignment(parent_tier, child_tier)
    if link_type == 'TimeAssociation':
        sppasHierarchy.validate_time_association(parent_tier, child_tier)
    ancestors = self.get_ancestors(parent_tier)
    family = []
    for ancestor in ancestors:
        uncles = self.get_children(ancestor)
    if child_tier in family:
        raise HierarchyAncestorTierError(child_tier.get_name(), parent_tier.get_name())


Validate and add a hierarchy link between 2 tiers.

  • link_type: (constant) One of the hierarchy types
  • parent_tier: (sppasTier) The parent tier
  • child_tier: (sppasTier) The child tier to be linked to parent
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def add_link(self, link_type, parent_tier, child_tier):
    """Validate and add a hierarchy link between 2 tiers.

        :param link_type: (constant) One of the hierarchy types
        :param parent_tier: (sppasTier) The parent tier
        :param child_tier: (sppasTier) The child tier to be linked to parent

    self.validate_link(link_type, parent_tier, child_tier)
    self.__hierarchy[child_tier] = (parent_tier, link_type)


Remove a hierarchy link between a parent and a child.

  • child_tier: (sppasTier) The tier linked to a reference
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def remove_child(self, child_tier):
    """Remove a hierarchy link between a parent and a child.

        :param child_tier: (sppasTier) The tier linked to a reference

    if child_tier in self.__hierarchy.keys():
        del self.__hierarchy[child_tier]


Remove all hierarchy links between a parent and its children.

  • parent_tier: (sppasTier) The parent tier
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def remove_parent(self, parent_tier):
    """Remove all hierarchy links between a parent and its children.

        :param parent_tier: (sppasTier) The parent tier

    to_remove = []
    for child_tier in self.__hierarchy.keys():
        parent, link = self.__hierarchy[child_tier]
        if parent is parent_tier:
    for child_tier in to_remove:
        del self.__hierarchy[child_tier]


Remove all occurrences of a tier inside the hierarchy.

  • tier: (sppasTier) The tier to remove as parent or child.
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def remove_tier(self, tier):
    """Remove all occurrences of a tier inside the hierarchy.

        :param tier: (sppasTier) The tier to remove as parent or child.

    to_remove = []
    for child in self.__hierarchy.keys():
        parent, link = self.__hierarchy[child]
        if parent is tier or child is tier:
    for child_tier in to_remove:
        del self.__hierarchy[child_tier]


Return a deep copy of the hierarchy.

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def copy(self):
    """Return a deep copy of the hierarchy."""
    h = sppasHierarchy()
    for child_tier in self.__hierarchy:
        parent_tier = self.__hierarchy[child_tier][0]
        link_type = self.__hierarchy[child_tier][1]
        h.add_link(link_type, parent_tier, child_tier)
    return h


Test if tier1 can be a parent tier for tier2.

  • One of hierarchy types or an empty string
  • tier1
  • tier2
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def infer_hierarchy_type(tier1, tier2):
    """Test if tier1 can be a parent tier for tier2.

        :returns: One of hierarchy types or an empty string

    if tier1.is_superset(tier2) is False:
        return ''
    if tier2.is_superset(tier1) is True:
        return 'TimeAssociation'
    return 'TimeAlignment'



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def __len__(self):
    return len(self.__hierarchy)


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def __iter__(self):
    for a in self.__hierarchy:
        yield a