SPPAS 4.22


Module sppas.src.imgdata

Class sppasImageObjectDetection


Detect objects in an image.

This class allows to analyze an image in order to detect objects. It stores a list of sppasCoords() for each detected object.

 >>> f = sppasImageObjectDetection()
 >>> f.load_model(filename1, filename2...)
 >>> # Detect all the objects in an image
 >>> f.detect(sppasImage(filename="image path"))
 >>> # Get number of detected objects
 >>> len(f)
 >>> # Browse through the detected object coordinates:
 >>> for c in f:
 >>> print(c)
 >>> # Get the detected object with the highest score
 >>> f.get_best()
 >>> # Get the 2 objects with the highest scores
 >>> f.get_best(2)
 >>> # Get detected objects with a confidence score greater than 0.9
 >>> f.get_confidence(0.9)

Contrariwise to the base class, this class allows multiple models in order to launch multiple detections and to combine their results.


Create a new ImageObjectDetection instance.

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def __init__(self):
    """Create a new ImageObjectDetection instance."""
    super(sppasImageObjectDetection, self).__init__()
    self._extension = ''
    self._detector = None

Public functions


Return the number of initialized object recognizers.

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def get_nb_recognizers(self):
    """Return the number of initialized object recognizers."""
    if self._detector is None:
        return 0
    return len(self._detector)


Return the number of enabled object recognizers.

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def get_nb_enabled_recognizers(self):
    """Return the number of enabled object recognizers."""
    nb = 0
    if self._detector is not None:
        for detector in self._detector:
            if self._detector[detector][1] is True:
                nb += 1
    return nb


Return the name of all the initialized recognizers.

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def get_recognizer_names(self):
    """Return the name of all the initialized recognizers."""
    if self._detector is None:
        return list()
    return [self._detector[d][0] for d in self._detector]


Return the name of all the initialized recognizers.

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def get_enabled_recognizer_names(self):
    """Return the name of all the initialized recognizers. """
    r = list()
    if self._detector is not None:
        for d in self._detector:
            if self._detector[d][1] is True:
    return r


Return the recognizer of the given name or None.

  • name: (str) Name of a recognizer.
  • (BaseObjectsDetector or None)
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def get_recognizer(self, name):
    """Return the recognizer of the given name or None.

        :param name: (str) Name of a recognizer.
        :return: (BaseObjectsDetector or None)

    if self._detector is not None:
        for detector in self._detector:
            if self._detector[detector][0] == name:
                return detector
    return None


Enable or disable a recognizer.

  • name: (str) Name of a recognizer.
  • value: (bool)
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def enable_recognizer(self, name, value=True):
    """Enable or disable a recognizer.

        :param name: (str) Name of a recognizer.
        :param value: (bool)

    value = bool(value)
    if self._detector is not None:
        for detector in self._detector:
            if self._detector[detector][0] == name:
                self._detector[detector] = (name, value)
                return value
    return False


Return the whole list of supported extensions in lower case.

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def extensions():
    """Return the whole list of supported extensions in lower case."""
    return list(sppasImageObjectDetection.DETECTORS.keys())


Instantiate detector(s) from the given models.

Calling this method invalidates the existing detectors. All instantiated detectors are enabled by default. The min ratio is divided by the number of detectors.

  • model: (str) Default required model filename
  • args: Other models to load in order to create object detectors

IOError, Exception

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def load_model(self, model, *args):
    """Instantiate detector(s) from the given models.

        Calling this method invalidates the existing detectors.
        All instantiated detectors are enabled by default.
        The min ratio is divided by the number of detectors.

        :param model: (str) Default required model filename
        :param args: Other models to load in order to create object detectors
        :raise: IOError, Exception

    self._detector = dict()
    detector = sppasImageObjectDetection.create_recognizer_from_extension(model)
    detector_name = os.path.basename(model)
    self._detector[detector] = (detector_name, True)
    for filename in args:
            detector = sppasImageObjectDetection.create_recognizer_from_extension(filename)
            detector_name = os.path.basename(filename)
            self._detector[detector] = (detector_name, True)
        except Exception as e:
    for detector in self._detector:
        detector.set_min_ratio(self.get_min_ratio() / len(self._detector))


Return an object detector according to a given filename.

Only the extension of the filename is used.

  • filename: (str)
  • BaseObjectsDetector


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def create_recognizer_from_extension(filename):
    """Return an object detector according to a given filename.

        Only the extension of the filename is used.

        :param filename: (str)
        :return: BaseObjectsDetector
        :raise: IOError

    extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
    extension = extension.lower()
    if extension in sppasImageObjectDetection.extensions():
        return sppasImageObjectDetection.DETECTORS[extension]()
    raise IOExtensionError(filename)


Remove overlapping detected objects and too small scores.

It is supposed that the scores are already sorted by scores.

  • overlap: (float) Minimum percentage of overlapped area to invalidate an object
  • norm_score: (bool) Normalize the score of the detected objects by the number of detectors
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def filter_overlapped(self, overlap=50.0, norm_score=True):
    """Remove overlapping detected objects and too small scores.

        It is supposed that the scores are already sorted by scores.

        :param overlap: (float) Minimum percentage of overlapped area to invalidate an object
        :param norm_score: (bool) Normalize the score of the detected objects by the number of detectors

    overlap = float(overlap)
    if overlap < 0.0 or overlap > 100.0:
        raise IntervalRangeException(overlap, 0.0, 100.0)
    detected = list()
    for coord in self._coords:
        c = coord.copy()
        score = c.get_confidence()
        nb = self.get_nb_enabled_recognizers()
        if norm_score is True and nb > 1:
            c.set_confidence(score / float(nb - 1))
    for i, coord in enumerate(detected):
        for j, other in enumerate(detected):
            if other.get_confidence() == 0.0 or i == j:
            if coord.intersection_area(other) > 0:
                area_o, area_s = coord.overlap(other)
                if area_o > overlap:
                    c = min(1.0, other.get_confidence() + coord.get_confidence())
                '\n                    # reject "i" object if more than 50% of its area is\n                    # overlapping "j" and "j" has a significant bigger \n                    # dimension, either w or h or both\n                    if area_s > overlap and (coord.w < other.w or coord.h < other.h):\n                        c = min(1., other.get_confidence() + coord.get_confidence())\n                        coord.set_confidence(0.)\n                        other.set_confidence(c)\n                    '
    self._coords = [c for c in detected if c.get_confidence() > self.get_min_score()]

Private functions


Determine the coordinates of all the detected objects.

No filter nor sort is applied. Results are "as it".

  • image: (sppasImage or numpy.ndarray)
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def _detection(self, image):
    """Determine the coordinates of all the detected objects.

        No filter nor sort is applied. Results are "as it".

        :param image: (sppasImage or numpy.ndarray)

    if self.get_nb_enabled_recognizers() == 0:
        raise sppasError('None of the recognizers is enabled. At least one is required...')
    for detector in self._detector:
        if self._detector[detector][1] is True:
            for coord in detector: