This class implements the 'SPPAS tier filter system'.
Search in tiers. The class sppasTierFilters() allows to apply several types of filter (tag, duration, ...), and the class sppasAnnSet() is a data set manager, i.e. it contains the annotations selected by a filter and a string representing the filter.
> # Create a filter:
>>> f = sppasTierFilters(tier)
then, apply a filter with some pattern like in the following examples. sppasAnnSet() can be combined with operators & and |, like for any other 'set' in Python, 'an unordered collection of distinct hashable objects'.
> # extract silences:
>>> f.tag(exact=u('#')))
> # extract silences more than 200ms
>>> f.tag(exact=u("#")) & f.dur(gt=0.2)
> # find the annotations with at least a label with a tag
> # starting by "pa" and ending by "a" like "pa", "papa", "pasta", etc:
>>> f.tag(startswith="pa", endswith='a')
> # It's equivalent to write:
>>> f.tag(startswith="pa", endswith='a', logic_bool="and")
The classical "and" and "or" logical boolean predicates are accepted; "and" is the default one. It defines whether all the functions must be True ("and") or any of them ("or").
The result of the two previous lines of code is the same, but two times faster, compared to use this one.
>>> f.tag(startswith="pa") & f.tag(endswith='a')
In the first case, for each tag, the method applies the logical boolean between two predicates and creates the data set matching the combined condition. In the second case, each call to the method creates a data set matching each individual condition, then the data sets are combined.
> # find annotations with more than 1 label
>>> f.nlab(lge=1))