SPPAS 4.22


Module sppas.src.videodata

Class sppasVideoReaderBuffer


Manage a video with a buffer (a queue) of images.

This class allows to use a buffer of images on a video to manage it sequentially, and to have a better control on it.


Initialize a VideoBuffer with a size of 100 images and overlap of 10:

 >>> v = sppasVideoReaderBuffer(video, 100, 10)

Bufferize the next sequence of images of the video:

 >>> v.next()

Release the flow taken by the reading of the video:

 >>> v.close()


Create a new sppasVideoReaderBuffer instance.

  • video: (mp4, etc...) The video filename to browse
  • size: (int) Number of images of the buffer or -1 for auto
  • overlap: (overlap) The number of images to keep from the previous buffer
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def __init__(self, video=None, size=-1, overlap=DEFAULT_BUFFER_OVERLAP):
    """Create a new sppasVideoReaderBuffer instance.

    :param video: (mp4, etc...) The video filename to browse
    :param size: (int) Number of images of the buffer or -1 for auto
    :param overlap: (overlap) The number of images to keep
    from the previous buffer

    super(sppasVideoReaderBuffer, self).__init__()
    self.__nb_img = 0
    self.__overlap = 0
    self.__images = list()
    self.__buffer_idx = (-1, -1)
    if video is not None:
        if size == -1:

Public functions


Override. Create an opencv video capture from the given video.

  • video: (name of video file, image sequence, url or video stream, GStreamer pipeline, IP camera) The video to browse.
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def open(self, video):
    """Override. Create an opencv video capture from the given video.

        :param video: (name of video file, image sequence, url or video
        stream, GStreamer pipeline, IP camera) The video to browse.

    sppasVideoReader.open(self, video)


Override. Release the flow taken by the reading of the video.

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def close(self):
    """Override. Release the flow taken by the reading of the video."""


Reset the buffer but does not change anything to the video.

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def reset(self):
    """Reset the buffer but does not change anything to the video."""
    self.__images = list()
    self.__buffer_idx = (-1, -1)


Reset AND set the index of the 1st frame of the current buffer.

  • (tuple) start index of the frames in the buffer
  • idx
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def reset_with_start_idx(self, idx):
    """Reset AND set the index of the 1st frame of the current buffer.

        :return: (tuple) start index of the frames in the buffer

    self.__images = list()
    idx = int(idx)
    self.__buffer_idx = (idx, idx)


Return the defined size of the buffer.

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def get_buffer_size(self):
    """Return the defined size of the buffer."""
    return self.__nb_img


Set the size of the buffer.

The new value is applied to the next buffer, it won't affect the currently in-use data. A value of -1 will fix automatically the buffer to use a MAXMEMORYSIZE Gb of RAM.

  • value: (int) New size of the buffer.
  • ValueError: invalid given value
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def set_buffer_size(self, value=-1):
    """Set the size of the buffer.

        The new value is applied to the next buffer, it won't affect the currently in-use data.
        A value of -1 will fix automatically the buffer to use a MAX_MEMORY_SIZE Gb of RAM.

        :param value: (int) New size of the buffer.
        :raises: ValueError: invalid given value

    value = int(value)
    if value == -1:
        if self.is_opened() is False:
            w, h = (1920, 1080)
            w, h = (self.get_width(), self.get_height())
        nbytes = w * h * 3
        value = sppasVideoReaderBuffer.MAX_MEMORY_SIZE // nbytes
        if self.is_opened() is True and value > self.get_nframes():
            value = self.get_nframes()
    if value <= 0:
        raise NegativeValueError(value)
    if self.is_opened() is True and value > self.get_nframes():
        value = self.get_nframes()
    if self.__overlap >= value:
        raise ValueError("The already defined overlap value {:d} can't be greater than the buffer size.")
    self.__nb_img = value
    logging.info('The video buffer is set to {:d} images'.format(self.__nb_img))


Return the overlap value of the buffer.

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def get_buffer_overlap(self):
    """Return the overlap value of the buffer."""
    return self.__overlap


Set the number of images to keep from the previous buffer.

The new value is applied to the next buffer, it won't affect the currently in-use data.

  • value: (int) Nb of image
  • ValueError: Invalid given value
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def set_buffer_overlap(self, value):
    """Set the number of images to keep from the previous buffer.

        The new value is applied to the next buffer, it won't affect the
        currently in-use data.

        :param value: (int) Nb of image
        :raises: ValueError: Invalid given value

    overlap = int(value)
    if overlap >= self.__nb_img or overlap < 0:
        raise ValueError('Invalid buffer overlap')
    self.__overlap = value


Set the position of the frame for the next buffer to be read.

It won't change the current position in the video until "next" is invoked. It invalidates the current buffer.

  • value: (int) Frame position
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def seek_buffer(self, value):
    """Set the position of the frame for the next buffer to be read.

        It won't change the current position in the video until "next" is
        invoked. It invalidates the current buffer.

        :param value: (int) Frame position

    value = self.check_frame(value)
    self.__buffer_idx = (-1, value - 1)


Return the frame position for the next buffer to be read.

Possibly, it can't match the current position in the stream, if video.read() was invoked for example.

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def tell_buffer(self):
    """Return the frame position for the next buffer to be read.

        Possibly, it can't match the current position in the stream, if
        video.read() was invoked for example.

    return self.__buffer_idx[1] + 1


Return the indexes of the frames of the current buffer.

  • (tuple) start index, end index of the frames in the buffer
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def get_buffer_range(self):
    """Return the indexes of the frames of the current buffer.

        :return: (tuple) start index, end index of the frames in the buffer

    if -1 in self.__buffer_idx:
        return (-1, -1)
    return self.__buffer_idx


Fill in the buffer with the next sequence of images of the video.

  • False if we reached the end of the video
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def next(self):
    """Fill in the buffer with the next sequence of images of the video.

        :return: False if we reached the end of the video

    if self.is_opened() is False:
        return False
    self.__images = list()
    nb_frames = self.__nb_img - self.__overlap
    if self.__buffer_idx[1] == -1:
        nb_frames = self.__nb_img
    start_frame = self.__buffer_idx[1] + 1
    if start_frame >= self.get_nframes():
        return False
    result = self.__load_frames(start_frame, nb_frames)
    next_frame = start_frame + len(result)
    delta = self.__nb_img - self.__overlap
    self.__images = self.__images[delta:]
    self.__buffer_idx = (start_frame - len(self.__images), next_frame - 1)
    return next_frame < self.get_nframes()


Raise an exception if the given image index is not valid.

  • value: (int)

NegativeValueError IndexRangeException

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def check_buffer_index(self, value):
    """Raise an exception if the given image index is not valid.

        :param value: (int)
        :raises: NegativeValueError
        :raises: IndexRangeException

    value = int(value)
    if value < 0:
        raise NegativeValueError(value)
    begin, end = self.get_buffer_range()
    if value < self.get_buffer_size():
        return value
    raise IndexRangeException(value, 0, self.get_buffer_size())


Append an image into the buffer and pop the first if full queue.

  • image: (sppasImage) A new image to append to the list
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def append(self, image):
    """Append an image into the buffer and pop the first if full queue.

        :param image: (sppasImage) A new image to append to the list

    if isinstance(image, sppasImage) is False:
        raise sppasTypeError(type(image), 'sppasImage')
    if len(self.__images) > self.__nb_img:


Pop an image of the buffer.

  • img_idx: (int) Index of the image in the buffer


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def pop(self, img_idx):
    """Pop an image of the buffer.

        :param img_idx: (int) Index of the image in the buffer
        :raise: IndexRangeException

    img_idx = int(img_idx)
    if 0 <= img_idx < self.get_buffer_size():
        raise IndexRangeException(img_idx, 0, self.get_buffer_size())


Set an image of the buffer.

No verification is performed on the image. It should be the same format (size, nb channels, etc) than the other ones. Use this method with caution!

  • img: (sppasImage) Set the image in the buffer
  • img_idx: (int) Index of the image in the buffer


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def set_at(self, img, img_idx):
    """Set an image of the buffer.

        No verification is performed on the image. It should be the
        same format (size, nb channels, etc) than the other ones.
        Use this method with caution!

        :param img: (sppasImage) Set the image in the buffer
        :param img_idx: (int) Index of the image in the buffer
        :raises: IndexRangeException

    img_idx = int(img_idx)
    if 0 <= img_idx < self.get_buffer_size():
        self.__images[img_idx] = img
        raise IndexRangeException(img_idx, 0, self.get_buffer_size())

Protected functions


Browse a sequence of a video.

  • (list) List of either sppasImage or None
  • start_frame
  • nb_frames
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def __load_frames(self, start_frame, nb_frames):
    """Browse a sequence of a video.

        :return: (list) List of either sppasImage or None

    if start_frame + nb_frames > self.get_nframes():
        logging.info('Not enough remaining {:d} frames. Will read {:d} instead.'.format(nb_frames, self.get_nframes() - start_frame))
        nb_frames = self.get_nframes() - start_frame
    images = [None] * nb_frames
    for i in range(nb_frames):
        images[i] = self.read_frame()
        if images[i] is None:
            logging.warning("A problem occurred when reading image at index {:d}. The image is set to 'None' instead.".format(i))
    return images



Return the number of images in the current data buffer.

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def __len__(self):
    """Return the number of images in the current data buffer."""
    return len(self.__images)


Browse the current data buffer.

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def __iter__(self):
    """Browse the current data buffer."""
    for img in self.__images:
        yield img


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def __getitem__(self, item):
    return self.__images[item]


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def __str__(self):
    liste = [''] * len(self.__images)
    iterator = self.__iter__()
    for i in range(len(self.__images)):
        liste[i] = str(next(iterator)) + '\n'
    return liste


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def __repr__(self):
    return self.__class__.__name__


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def __format__(self, fmt):
    return str(self).__format__(fmt)