
About the author

Brigitte Bigi - Author of SPPAS
Brigitte Bigi - Author of SPPAS

Corpus and annotation

Corpus annotation “can be defined as the practice of adding interpretative, linguistic information to an electronic corpus of spoken and/or written language data. ‘Annotation’ can also refer to the end-product of this process” (Leech, 1997).


Example of multi-level annotations
Example of multi-level annotations

Annotation software

Before using any automatic annotation tool/software, it is important to consider its error rate (where applicable) and to estimate how those errors will affect the purpose for the annotated corpora.

SPPAS is an awarded Research Software

Multi-Lingual approaches to the automatic annotation of speech

Resources extend

Resources extend (continued)

SPPAS: Main reference to cite

		Brigitte Bigi (2015).
		SPPAS - Multi-lingual Approaches to the Automatic Annotation of Speech.
		In "the Phonetician" - International Society of Phonetic Sciences,
		ISSN 0741-6164, Number 111-112 / 2015-I-II, pages 54-69.
Screenshot sppas paper

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Corpus creation methodology

The context

Screenshots of 4 corpora (left to right): CID, GrenelleII, Aix MapTask, DVD
Screenshots of four corpora (left to right): CID, GrenelleII, Aix MapTask, DVD

The corpus creation workflow

Corpus creation and annotation: methodology
Corpus creation and annotation: methodology

Step 1: Recording speech

Step 2: Search for Inter-Pausal Units

Step 3: Orthographic Transcription

Step 4: Speech segmentation

Other steps:

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Data preparation for automatic annotations

(Step 1) Recording Speech

Recording audio

Recording audio: software tools


Recording speech: SPPAS requirements

Example of recorded speech
Example of recorded speech

(Step 2) Inter-Pausal Units

IPUs = sounding segments

Orthographic transcription into the IPUs
Orthographic transcription into the IPUs

How to do it?

(Step 3) Transcribing Speech

Orthographic transcription:

Orthographic transcription: SPPAS convention

Transcription example 1 (Conversational speech)

donc + i- i(l) prend la è- recette et tout bon i(l) vé- i(l) dit bon [okay, k]

Transcription example 2 (Conversational speech)

ah mais justement c’était pour vous vendre bla bla bla bl(a) le mec i(l) te l’a emboucané + en plus i(l) lu(i) a [acheté,acheuté] le truc et le mec il est parti j(e) dis putain le mec i(l) voulait

Transcription example 3 (GrenelleII)

euh les apiculteurs + et notamment b- on ne sait pas très bien + quelle est la cause de mortalité des abeilles m(ais) enfin il y a quand même + euh peut-êt(r)e des attaques systémiques

Annotated files: recommendations

Supported file formats

sppas formats

Always remember…

Garbage in, garbage out

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