Brigitte Bigi
Publications Software Corpus

SPPAS — the automatic annotation and analysis of speech

SPPAS screenshot

SPPAS is an open source annotation tool allowing to create, visualize and search annotations for audio/video data. Among others, it is able to produce automatically speech segmentation annotations from a recorded speech sound and its transcription. Some special features are also offered for managing corpora of annotated files.

SPPAS's data files are XML-based, and SPPAS is compatible with Praat, Elan, Transcriber, and others. SPPAS runs on Windows, macOS and Unix platforms.

More about SPPAS...


AudiooPy logo

AudiooPy stands for "Audio manager in Python Object-Oriented Programming." It is an open-source library to perform useful operations on sound files and sound fragments. It operates on sound frames, meaning they consist of signed integer samples 8, 16, or 32 bits wide, stored in bytes-like objects.

Among others, it allows the following operations:

  • Audio reader/writer for WAV — based on the Python standard library;
  • Manipulate raw audio data;
  • Audio mixer;
  • Automated calculation of statistical descriptors for audio data;
  • Channels extractor;
  • Channels mixer;
  • A robust solution to automatically search for sounding segments; ...

AudiooPy is self-implemented, it does not require any other external library.

More about AudiooPy...


WhakerPy logo

WhakerPy is an open-source library to create dynamic HTML content; it's a light web application framework. It allows creating and manipulating HTML from the power of Python:

  • Easy to learn, consistent, simple syntax;
  • Flexible and easy usage;
  • Create HTML pages dynamically;
  • Can save as static files; and/or
  • Run locally with its HTTPD server, or WSGI service, and its response "bakery" system.

More about WhakerPy...


Whakerexa is a set of CSS frameworks and JavaScript's. It is intended to be as simple as possible to make accessible web content, and to minimize the use of CSS classes for enhancing the readability of HTML code.

It was designed to be easily customizable, allowing users to adjust properties such as fonts, colors, borders, etc., effortlessly. Most of the properties are stored into variables which makes possible to re-define them, then to obtain a custom different style, enabling users to achieve a unique style easily.

More about Whakerexa...


ClammingPy is an open-source library to convert a Python class or module into Markdown or HTML for documentation purposes. It supports reStructuredText and Epydoc formats. Docstrings are analyzed with flexibility rather than completeness.

ClammingPy generates HTML-5 with a high WCAG 2.1 conformity level.

More about ClammingPy...

Clamming screenshot

Deprecated tools

CLIPS Corpus Filtering Toolkit (version 2.6)

XML output example


Various tools

[For FRENCH ONLY] Logiciels pour éditer/Modifier/Rechercher/Valider des annotations

Logiciel pour visualiser/modifier 1 ou 2 fichiers TextGrid. Il est essentiellement dédié à l'édition de transcriptions. Il inclut des fonctionnalités spécifiques pour les transcriptions sous forme de TOE : affichage en couleur des élisions, prononciations particuliès, etc, ainsi qu'un outils de diagnostic de la syntaxe de la TOE.


Screencasts de l'ensemble des fonctionalités :