SPPAS 4.22


Module sppas.src.imgdata

Class sppasCoords


Represents the coordinates of an area in an image.

It has 5 parameters:

  • x: coordinate on the x-axis
  • y: coordinate on the y-axis
  • w: width of the visage
  • h: height of the visage
  • an optional confidence score
 >>> c = sppasCoords(143, 17, 150, 98, 0.7)
 >>> c.get_confidence()
 >>> 0.7
 >>> c.get_x()
 >>> 143
 >>> c.get_y()
 >>> 17
 >>> c.get_w()
 >>> 150
 >>> c.get_h()
 >>> 98


Create a new sppasCoords instance.

Allows to represent a point (x,y), or a size(w,h) or both, with an optional confidence score ranging [0.0,1.0].

  • x: (int) The x-axis value
  • y: (int) The y-axis value
  • w: (int) The width value
  • h: (int) The height value
  • confidence: (float) An optional confidence score ranging [0,1]
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def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, w=0, h=0, confidence=None):
    """Create a new sppasCoords instance.

    Allows to represent a point (x,y), or a size(w,h) or both, with an
    optional confidence score ranging [0.0,1.0].

    :param x: (int) The x-axis value
    :param y: (int) The y-axis value
    :param w: (int) The width value
    :param h: (int) The height value
    :param confidence: (float) An optional confidence score ranging [0,1]

    self.__x = 0
    self.__y = 0
    self.__w = 0
    self.__h = 0
    self.__confidence = None

Public functions


Convert a value to int or raise the appropriate exception.

  • value
  • dtype
  • unsigned
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def to_dtype(value, dtype=int, unsigned=True):
    """Convert a value to int or raise the appropriate exception."""
        v = dtype(value)
        if dtype is int:
            value = int(round(value))
            value = v
        if isinstance(value, dtype) is False:
            raise sppasTypeError(value, str(dtype))
    except ValueError:
        raise sppasTypeError(value, str(dtype))
    if unsigned is True:
        if value < 0:
            raise sppasTypeError(value, 'unsigned ' + str(dtype))
    return value


Check the given coord and return it as a sppasCoords instance.

  • coord
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def to_coords(coord):
    """Check the given coord and return it as a sppasCoords instance."""
    if isinstance(coord, sppasCoords) is False:
        if isinstance(coord, (tuple, list)) is True:
            if len(coord) == 2:
                    coord = sppasCoords(coord[0], coord[1], w=0, h=0)
            elif len(coord) == 3:
                    coord = sppasCoords(coord[0], coord[1], 0, 0, coord[2])
            elif len(coord) == 4:
                    coord = sppasCoords(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], coord[3])
            elif len(coord) > 4:
                    coord = sppasCoords(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], coord[3], coord[4])
    if isinstance(coord, sppasCoords) is False:
        raise sppasTypeError(coord, 'sppasCoords')
    return coord


Return the confidence value (float).

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def get_confidence(self):
    """Return the confidence value (float)."""
    if self.__confidence is None:
        return 0.0
    return self.__confidence


Set confidence value.

  • value: (float) The new confidence value ranging [0, 1].

TypeError, ValueError TypeError, ValueError

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def set_confidence(self, value):
    """Set confidence value.

        :param value: (float) The new confidence value ranging [0, 1].
        :raise: TypeError, ValueError
        :raise: TypeError, ValueError

    if value is None:
        self.__confidence = None
        value = self.to_dtype(value, dtype=float, unsigned=False)
        if value < 0.0 or value > 1.0:
            raise IntervalRangeException(value, 0, 1)
        self.__confidence = value


Return x-axis value (int).

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def get_x(self):
    """Return x-axis value (int)."""
    return self.__x


Return y-axis value (int).

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def get_y(self):
    """Return y-axis value (int)."""
    return self.__y


Return width value (int).

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def get_w(self):
    """Return width value (int)."""
    return self.__w


Return height value (int).

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def get_h(self):
    """Return height value (int)."""
    return self.__h


Return the area of the rectangle.

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def area(self):
    """Return the area of the rectangle."""
    return self.__w * self.__h


Return a deep copy of the current sppasCoords.

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def copy(self):
    """Return a deep copy of the current sppasCoords."""
    return sppasCoords(self.__x, self.__y, self.__w, self.__h, self.__confidence)


Return a copy of the coordinates converted to the portrait scale.

A xy ratio can be forced, for example, to force a 4:5 image, ie proprtionnal to width=4 and height=5, set xy_ratio to 0.8.

  • image: (sppasImage) The original image.
  • scale: (float or tuple) Scale factor.
  • xy_ratio: (float or None) Force a xy ratio. Default is 14:16.
  • (sppasCoords)
 >>> # Scale the coords to fit a default portrait size
 >>> coordinates.portrait(image)
 >>> # Scale the coords to be larger than a portrait, like a selfie
 >>> coordinates.portrait(image, scale=4.8)
 >>> # Scale coords to a custom portrait size
 >>> coordinates.portrait(image, scale=(2.6, 3.4))
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def portrait(self, image=None, scale=(2.6, 3.0), xy_ratio=0.875):
    """Return a copy of the coordinates converted to the portrait scale.

        A xy ratio can be forced, for example, to force a 4:5 image, ie
        proprtionnal to width=4 and height=5, set xy_ratio to 0.8.

        :param image: (sppasImage) The original image.
        :param scale: (float or tuple) Scale factor.
        :param xy_ratio: (float or None) Force a xy ratio. Default is 14:16.
        :return: (sppasCoords)

        >>> # Scale the coords to fit a default portrait size
        >>> coordinates.portrait(image)
        >>> # Scale the coords to be larger than a portrait, like a selfie
        >>> coordinates.portrait(image, scale=4.8)
        >>> # Scale coords to a custom portrait size
        >>> coordinates.portrait(image, scale=(2.6, 3.4))

    coord = self.copy()
    if isinstance(scale, (tuple, list)):
        shift_x = coord.scale_x(scale[0])
        shift_y = coord.scale_y(scale[1])
    elif isinstance(scale, (float, int)):
        shift_x, shift_y = coord.scale(scale)
        raise sppasTypeError(type(scale), 'int, float, tuple, list')
    if xy_ratio is not None and coord.w * coord.h > 0:
        current_ratio = float(coord.w) / float(coord.h)
        if current_ratio > xy_ratio:
            sy = coord.scale_y(current_ratio / xy_ratio)
            shift_y += sy
        elif current_ratio < xy_ratio:
            sx = coord.scale_x(xy_ratio / current_ratio)
            shift_x += sx
    shift_y = int(float(shift_y) * 0.5)
    if image is None:
        coord.shift(shift_x, shift_y)
            coord.shift(shift_x, 0, image)
            shifted_x = True
            shifted_x = False
            coord.shift(0, shift_y, image)
            shifted_y = True
            shifted_y = False
        w, h = image.size()
        if coord.x + coord.w > w or shifted_x is False:
            coord.x = max(0, w - coord.w)
        if coord.y + coord.h > h or shifted_y is False:
            coord.y = max(0, h - coord.h)
    return coord


Multiply width and height values with given coefficient value.

  • coeff: (int) The value to multiply with.
  • image: (numpy.ndarray or sppasImage) An image to check w, h.
  • Returns the value of the shift to use on the axis, according to the value of the scale in order to keep the same center.

TypeError, IntervalRangeException, ImageWidthError, ImageHeightError

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def scale(self, coeff, image=None):
    """Multiply width and height values with given coefficient value.

        :param coeff: (int) The value to multiply with.
        :param image: (numpy.ndarray or sppasImage) An image to check w, h.
        :returns: Returns the value of the shift to use on the axis,
        according to the value of the scale in order to keep the same center.
        :raises: TypeError, IntervalRangeException, ImageWidthError, ImageHeightError

        coeff = float(coeff)
        raise sppasTypeError(type(coeff), 'int, float')
    if coeff < 0.25 or coeff > 20.0:
        logging.error('Invalid scale value for coordinates.Accepted range is [0.25; 20]. Got {:.3f}.'.format(coeff))
        raise IntervalRangeException(coeff, 0.25, 20.0)
    coeff = self.to_dtype(coeff, dtype=float, unsigned=False)
    new_w = int(float(self.__w) * coeff)
    new_h = int(float(self.__h) * coeff)
    if image is not None:
        height, width = image.shape[:2]
        if new_w > width:
            raise ImageWidthError(new_w, width)
        if new_h > height:
            raise ImageHeightError(new_h, height)
    shift_x = int(float(self.__w - new_w) / 2.0)
    shift_y = int(float(self.__h - new_h) / 2.0)
    self.__w = new_w
    self.__h = new_h
    return (shift_x, shift_y)


Multiply width value with given coefficient value.

  • coeff: (int) The value to multiply with.
  • image: (numpy.ndarray or sppasImage) An image to check w, h.
  • Returns the value of the shift to use on the x-axis, according to the value of the scale in order to keep the same center.

TypeError, ScaleWidthError

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def scale_x(self, coeff, image=None):
    """Multiply width value with given coefficient value.

        :param coeff: (int) The value to multiply with.
        :param image: (numpy.ndarray or sppasImage) An image to check w, h.
        :returns: Returns the value of the shift to use on the x-axis,
        according to the value of the scale in order to keep the same center.
        :raise: TypeError, ScaleWidthError

    if coeff <= 0.0:
        raise ValueError('Invalid X-scale value {:f}.'.format(coeff))
    coeff = self.to_dtype(coeff, dtype=float, unsigned=False)
    new_w = int(float(self.__w) * coeff)
    if image is not None:
        height, width = image.shape[:2]
        if new_w > width:
            raise ImageWidthError(new_w, width)
    shift_x = int(float(self.__w - new_w) / 2.0)
    self.__w = new_w
    return shift_x


Multiply height value with given coefficient value.

  • coeff: (int) The value to multiply with.
  • image: (numpy.ndarray or sppasImage) An image to check w, h.
  • Returns the value of the shift to use on the y-axis, according to the value of the scale in order to keep the same center.

TypeError, ScaleHeightError

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def scale_y(self, coeff, image=None):
    """Multiply height value with given coefficient value.

        :param coeff: (int) The value to multiply with.
        :param image: (numpy.ndarray or sppasImage) An image to check w, h.
        :returns: Returns the value of the shift to use on the y-axis,
        according to the value of the scale in order to keep the same center.
        :raise: TypeError, ScaleHeightError

    if coeff <= 0.0:
        raise ValueError('Invalid Y-scale value {:f}.'.format(coeff))
    coeff = self.to_dtype(coeff, dtype=float, unsigned=False)
    new_h = int(float(self.__h) * coeff)
    if image is not None:
        height, width = image.shape[:2]
        if new_h > height:
            raise ImageHeightError(new_h, height)
    shift_y = int(float(self.__h - new_h) / 2.0)
    self.__h = new_h
    return shift_y


Shift position of (x,y) values.

  • x_value: (int) The value to add to x-axis value.
  • y_value: (int) The value to add to y-axis value.
  • image: (numpy.ndarray or sppasImage) An image to check coords.


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def shift(self, x_value=0, y_value=0, image=None):
    """Shift position of (x,y) values.

        :param x_value: (int) The value to add to x-axis value.
        :param y_value: (int) The value to add to y-axis value.
        :param image: (numpy.ndarray or sppasImage) An image to check coords.
        :raise: TypeError

    x_value = self.to_dtype(x_value, unsigned=False)
    y_value = self.to_dtype(y_value, unsigned=False)
    new_x = self.__x + x_value
    if new_x < 0:
        new_x = 0
    new_y = self.__y + y_value
    if new_y < 0:
        new_y = 0
    if image is not None:
        max_h, max_w = image.shape[:2]
        if x_value > 0:
            if new_x > max_w:
                raise ImageEastingError(new_x, max_w)
            elif new_x + self.__w > max_w:
                delta = new_x + self.__w - max_w
                new_x = new_x - delta
        if y_value > 0:
            if new_y > max_h:
                raise ImageNorthingError(new_y, max_h)
            elif new_y + self.__h > max_h:
                delta = new_y + self.__h - max_h
                new_y = new_y - delta
    self.__x = new_x
    self.__y = new_y


Return the intersection area of two rectangles.

  • other: (sppasCoords)
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def intersection_area(self, other):
    """Return the intersection area of two rectangles.

        :param other: (sppasCoords)

    if isinstance(other, sppasCoords) is False:
        raise sppasTypeError(other, 'sppasCoords')
    self_xmax = self.__x + self.__w
    other_xmax = other.x + other.w
    dx = min(self_xmax, other_xmax) - max(self.__x, other.x)
    self_ymax = self.__y + self.__h
    other_ymax = other.y + other.h
    dy = min(self_ymax, other_ymax) - max(self.__y, other.y)
    if dx >= 0 and dy >= 0:
        return dx * dy
    return 0


Return the 2 percentage of overlaps.

  1. the overlapped area is overlapping other of XX percent of its area.
  2. the overlapped area is overlapping self of XX percent of my area.
  • other: (sppasCoords)
  • percentage of overlap of self in other and of other in self.
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def overlap(self, other):
    """Return the 2 percentage of overlaps.

        1. the overlapped area is overlapping other of XX percent of its area.
        2. the overlapped area is overlapping self of XX percent of my area.

        :param other: (sppasCoords)
        :returns: percentage of overlap of self in other and of other in self.

    in_area = self.intersection_area(other)
    if in_area == 0:
        return (0.0, 0.0)
    my_area = float(self.area())
    other_area = float(other.area())
    return (in_area / other_area * 100.0, in_area / my_area * 100.0)


Return the coordinates with the intermediate position and size.

  • other: (sppasCoords)
  • (sppasCoords)
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def intermediate(self, other):
    """Return the coordinates with the intermediate position and size.

        :param other: (sppasCoords)
        :return: (sppasCoords)

    if isinstance(other, sppasCoords) is False:
        raise sppasTypeError(other, 'sppasCoords')
    x = self.__x + (other.x - self.x) // 2
    y = self.__y + (other.y - self.y) // 2
    w = (self.__w + other.w) // 2
    h = (self.__h + other.h) // 2
    c = (self.get_confidence() + other.get_confidence()) / 2.0
    return sppasCoords(x, y, w, h, c)


Return the euclidian distance between self and other.

  • other: (sppasCoords)
  • (int)
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def euclidian_distance(self, other):
    """Return the euclidian distance between self and other.

        :param other: (sppasCoords)
        :return: (int)

    if isinstance(other, sppasCoords) is False:
        raise sppasTypeError(other, 'sppasCoords')
    if other is self:
        return 0
    d = euclidian((self.__x, self.__y), (other.get_x(), other.get_y()))
    return int(round(d, 0))

Protected functions


Set x-axis value.

  • value: (int) The new x-axis value.

TypeError, ValueError

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def __set_x(self, value):
    """Set x-axis value.

        :param value: (int) The new x-axis value.
        :raise: TypeError, ValueError

    value = self.to_dtype(value)
    if value > sppasCoords.MAX_W:
        raise IntervalRangeException(value, 0, sppasCoords.MAX_W)
    self.__x = value


Set y-axis value.

  • value: (int) The new y-axis value.

TypeError, ValueError

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def __set_y(self, value):
    """Set y-axis value.

        :param value: (int) The new y-axis value.
        :raise: TypeError, ValueError

    value = self.to_dtype(value)
    if value > sppasCoords.MAX_H:
        raise IntervalRangeException(value, 0, sppasCoords.MAX_H)
    self.__y = value


Set width value.

  • value: (int) The new width value.

TypeError, ValueError

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def __set_w(self, value):
    """Set width value.

        :param value: (int) The new width value.
        :raise: TypeError, ValueError

    value = self.to_dtype(value)
    if value > sppasCoords.MAX_W:
        raise IntervalRangeException(value, 0, sppasCoords.MAX_W)
    self.__w = value


Set height value.

  • value: (int) The new height value.

TypeError, ValueError

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def __set_h(self, value):
    """Set height value.

        :param value: (int) The new height value.
        :raise: TypeError, ValueError

    value = self.to_dtype(value)
    if value > sppasCoords.MAX_H:
        raise IntervalRangeException(value, 0, sppasCoords.MAX_H)
    self.__h = value



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def __str__(self):
    s = '({:d},{:d})'.format(self.__x, self.__y)
    if self.__w > 0 or self.__h > 0:
        s += ' ({:d},{:d})'.format(self.__w, self.__h)
    if self.__confidence is not None:
        s += ': {:f}'.format(self.__confidence)
    return s


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def __repr__(self):
    return self.__class__.__name__


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def __format__(self, fmt):
    return str(self).__format__(fmt)


Return true if self equal other (except for confidence score).

  • other
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def __eq__(self, other):
    """Return true if self equal other (except for confidence score)."""
    if isinstance(other, (list, tuple)):
        if len(other) >= 4:
            other = sppasCoords(other[0], other[1], other[2], other[3])
            return False
    if isinstance(other, sppasCoords) is False:
        return False
    if self.__x != other.x:
        return False
    if self.__y != other.y:
        return False
    if self.__w != other.w:
        return False
    if self.__h != other.h:
        return False
    return True


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def __ne__(self, other):
    return not self.__eq__(other)


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def __hash__(self):
    return hash((self.__x, self.__y, self.__w, self.__h))


Return True if the coords fully contains the given item.

Notice that contains does not mean overlaps... If item overlaps, False is returned.

  • item: (sppasCoords, tuple, list)
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def __contains__(self, item):
    """Return True if the coords fully contains the given item.

        Notice that __contains__ does not mean overlaps...
        If item overlaps, False is returned.

        :param item: (sppasCoords, tuple, list)

    cc = sppasCoords.to_coords(item)
    if cc.w > self.__w:
        return False
    if cc.h > self.__h:
        return False
    if cc.x < self.__x:
        return False
    if cc.y < self.__y:
        return False
    if cc.x + cc.w > self.__x + self.w:
        return False
    if cc.y + cc.h > self.__y + self.h:
        return False
    return True