Data structure to store sights.
This class is storing nb sights; each sight is made of 4 values: - x: coordinate on the x-axis, initialized to 0 - y: coordinate on the y-axis, initialized to 0 - z: an optional coordinate on the z-axis, initialized to None - an optional confidence score, initialized to None
Notice that each of the sight parameter is stored into a list of 'nb' values, instead of storing a single list of 'nb' lists of values, because:
- 2 lists of 'nb' int and 1 of float = [x1,x2,...] [y1,y2,...] [s1,s2,...] 364 + 26824 + 168*24 = 5088
- 1 list of 'nb' lists of 2 int and 1 float: [[x1,y1,s1], [x2,y2,s2]...] 64 + 6864 + 26824 + 168*24 = 9312