SPPAS 4.22


Module sppas.src.anndata

Class sppasDuration


Representation of a duration with vagueness.

Represents a duration identified by 2 float values:

  • the duration value;
  • the duration margin.


Create a new sppasDuration instance.

  • value: (float) value of the duration.
  • vagueness: (float) represents the vagueness of the value.
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def __init__(self, value, vagueness=0.0):
    """Create a new sppasDuration instance.

    :param value: (float) value of the duration.
    :param vagueness: (float) represents the vagueness of the value.

    self.__value = 0.0
    self.__margin = 0.0

Public functions


Return myself.

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def get(self):
    """Return myself."""
    return self


Set the value/vagueness of another sppasDuration instance.

  • other: (sppasDuration)
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def set(self, other):
    """Set the value/vagueness of another sppasDuration instance.

        :param other: (sppasDuration)

    if isinstance(other, sppasDuration) is False:
        raise AnnDataTypeError(other, 'sppasDuration')
    self.__value = other.get_value()
    self.__margin = other.get_margin()


Return the duration value (float).

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def get_value(self):
    """Return the duration value (float)."""
    return self.__value


Set the duration to a new value.

  • value: (float) the new duration value.
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def set_value(self, value):
    """Set the duration to a new value.

        :param value: (float) the new duration value.

        self.__value = float(value)
        if self.__value < 0.0:
            self.__value = 0.0
            raise AnnDataNegValueError(value)
    except TypeError:
        raise AnnDataTypeError(value, 'float')


Return the vagueness of the duration (float).

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def get_margin(self):
    """Return the vagueness of the duration (float)."""
    return self.__margin


Fix the vagueness margin of the duration.

  • vagueness: (float) the duration margin.
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def set_margin(self, vagueness):
    """Fix the vagueness margin of the duration.

        :param vagueness: (float) the duration margin.

        self.__margin = float(vagueness)
        if self.__margin < 0.0:
            self.__margin = 0.0
            raise AnnDataNegValueError(vagueness)
    except TypeError:
        raise AnnDataTypeError(vagueness, 'float')


Return a deep copy of self.

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def copy(self):
    """Return a deep copy of self."""
    t = self.__value
    r = self.__margin
    return sppasDuration(t, r)



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def __format__(self, fmt):
    return str(self).__format__(fmt)


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def __repr__(self):
    return 'Duration: {:f}, {:f}'.format(self.get_value(), self.get_margin())


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def __str__(self):
    return '({:f}, {:f})'.format(self.get_value(), self.get_margin())


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def __hash__(self):
    return hash((self.__value, self.__margin))


Equal is required to use '==' between 2 sppasDuration instances or between a sppasDuration and an other object representing time. This relationship takes into account the vagueness.

  • other: (Duration, float, int) is the other duration to compare with.
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def __eq__(self, other):
    """Equal is required to use '==' between 2 sppasDuration instances or
        between a sppasDuration and an other object representing time.
        This relationship takes into account the vagueness.

        :param other: (Duration, float, int) is the other duration to compare with.

    if isinstance(other, (int, float, sppasDuration)) is False:
        return False
    if isinstance(other, sppasDuration) is True:
        delta = abs(self.__value - other.get_value())
        radius = self.__margin + other.get_margin()
        return delta <= radius
    if isinstance(other, (int, float)):
        delta = abs(self.__value - other)
        radius = self.__margin
        return delta <= radius


LowerThan is required to use '<' between 2 sppasDuration instances or between a sppasDuration and an other time object.

  • other: (Duration, float, int) is the other duration to compare with.
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def __lt__(self, other):
    """LowerThan is required to use '<' between 2 sppasDuration instances
        or between a sppasDuration and an other time object.

        :param other: (Duration, float, int) is the other duration to compare with.

    if isinstance(other, sppasDuration) is True:
        return self != other and self.__value < other.get_value()
    return self != other and self.__value < other


GreaterThan is required to use '>' between 2 Duration instances or between a Duration and an other time object.

  • other: (Duration, float, int) is the other duration to compare with.
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def __gt__(self, other):
    """GreaterThan is required to use '>' between 2 Duration instances
        or between a Duration and an other time object.

        :param other: (Duration, float, int) is the other duration to compare with.

    if isinstance(other, sppasDuration) is True:
        return self != other and self.__value > other.get_value()
    return self != other and self.__value > other


Not equals.

  • other
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def __ne__(self, other):
    """Not equals."""
    return not self == other


Lesser or equal.

  • other
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def __le__(self, other):
    """Lesser or equal."""
    return self < other or self == other


Greater or equal.

  • other
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def __ge__(self, other):
    """Greater or equal."""
    return self > other or self == other