SPPAS 4.22


Module sppas.src.anndata

Class sppasLocation


Location of an annotation of a tier.

sppasLocation allows to store a set of localizations with their scores. This class is using a list of lists, i.e. a list of pairs (localization, score). This is the best compromise between memory usage, speed and readability.


Create a new sppasLocation instance and add the entry.

  • localization: (Localization or list of localizations)
  • score: (float or list of float)

If a list of alternative localizations are given, the same score is assigned to all items.

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def __init__(self, localization=None, score=None):
    """Create a new sppasLocation instance and add the entry.

    :param localization: (Localization or list of localizations)
    :param score: (float or list of float)

    If a list of alternative localizations are given, the same score
    is assigned to all items.

    self.__localizations = list()
    if localization is not None:
        if isinstance(localization, list):
            if isinstance(score, list) and len(localization) == len(score):
                for l, s in zip(localization, score):
                    self.append(l, s)
                for loc in localization:
                    self.append(loc, 1.0 / len(localization))
            self.append(localization, score)

Public functions


Add a localization into the list.

  • localization: (Localization) the localization to append
  • score: (float)
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def append(self, localization, score=None):
    """Add a localization into the list.

        :param localization: (Localization) the localization to append
        :param score: (float)

    if isinstance(localization, sppasBaseLocalization) is False:
        raise AnnDataTypeError(localization, 'sppasBaseLocalization')
    if localization not in self.__localizations:
        if len(self.__localizations) > 0:
            if self.is_point() != localization.is_point():
                raise AnnDataTypeError(localization, 'sppasPoint')
            if self.is_interval() != localization.is_interval():
                raise AnnDataTypeError(localization, 'sppasInterval')
            if self.is_disjoint() != localization.is_disjoint():
                raise AnnDataTypeError(localization, 'sppasDisjoint')
        self.__localizations.append([localization, score])


Remove a localization of the list.

  • localization: (sppasLocalization) the loc to be removed
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def remove(self, localization):
    """Remove a localization of the list.

        :param localization: (sppasLocalization) the loc to be removed

    if isinstance(localization, sppasBaseLocalization) is False:
        raise AnnDataTypeError(localization, 'sppasBaseLocalization')
    if len(self.__localizations) == 1:
        raise IndexError("A location must contain at least one localization. The single one can't be removed.")
        for l in self.__localizations:
            if l[0] == localization:


Return the score of a localization or None if it is not in.

  • loc: (sppasLocalization)
  • score: (float)
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def get_score(self, loc):
    """Return the score of a localization or None if it is not in.

        :param loc: (sppasLocalization)
        :returns: score: (float)

    if not isinstance(loc, sppasBaseLocalization):
        raise AnnDataTypeError(loc, 'sppasLocalization')
    for l in self.__localizations:
        if l[0] == loc:
            return l[1]
    return None


Set a score to a given localization.

  • loc: (sppasLocalization)
  • score: (float)
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def set_score(self, loc, score):
    """Set a score to a given localization.

        :param loc: (sppasLocalization)
        :param score: (float)

    if not isinstance(loc, sppasBaseLocalization):
        raise AnnDataTypeError(loc, 'sppasLocalization')
    if self.__localizations is not None:
        for i, l in enumerate(self.__localizations):
            if l[0] == loc:
                self.__localizations[i][1] = score


Return a copy of the best localization.

  • (sppasLocalization) localization with the highest score.
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def get_best(self):
    """Return a copy of the best localization.

        :returns: (sppasLocalization) localization with the highest score.

    if len(self.__localizations) == 1:
        return self.__localizations[0][0]
    _max_t = self.__localizations[0][0]
    _max_score = self.__localizations[0][1]
    for t, s in reversed(self.__localizations):
        if _max_score is None or (s is not None and s > _max_score):
            _max_score = s
            _max_t = t
    return _max_t.copy()


Return True if the location is made of sppasPoint localizations.

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def is_point(self):
    """Return True if the location is made of sppasPoint localizations."""
    return self.__localizations[0][0].is_point()


Return True if the location is made of sppasInterval locs.

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def is_interval(self):
    """Return True if the location is made of sppasInterval locs."""
    return self.__localizations[0][0].is_interval()


Return True if the location is made of sppasDisjoint locs.

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def is_disjoint(self):
    """Return True if the location is made of sppasDisjoint locs."""
    return self.__localizations[0][0].is_disjoint()


Return True if the localization point is in the list.

  • point
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def contains(self, point):
    """Return True if the localization point is in the list."""
    if self.is_point():
        return any([point == l[0] for l in self.__localizations])
    return any([l[0].is_bound(point) for l in self.__localizations])


Return True if the localization point is inside one of loc.

  • point
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def inside(self, point):
    """Return True if the localization point is inside one of loc."""
    if self.is_point() is False:
        for loc, score in self.__localizations:
            if point in loc:
                return True
    return False


Return a deep copy of the location.

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def copy(self):
    """Return a deep copy of the location."""
    return copy.deepcopy(self)


Return a copy of the sppasPoint with the lowest localization.

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def get_lowest_localization(self):
    """Return a copy of the sppasPoint with the lowest localization."""
    if self.is_point():
        min_localization = min([l[0] for l in self.__localizations])
        min_localization = min([l[0].get_begin() for l in self.__localizations])
    return min_localization.copy()


Return a copy of the sppasPoint with the highest loc.

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def get_highest_localization(self):
    """Return a copy of the sppasPoint with the highest loc."""
    if self.is_point():
        max_localization = max([l[0] for l in self.__localizations])
        max_localization = max([l[0].get_end() for l in self.__localizations])
    return max_localization.copy()


Return True if a duration matches all or any of the functions.

  • durfunctions: list of(function, value, logicalnot)
  • logic_bool: (str) Apply a logical "and" or "or"
  • (bool)

  • function: a function in python with 2 arguments: dur/value

  • value: the expected value for the duration (int/float/sppasDuration)
  • logical_not: boolean
 > Search if a duration is exactly 30ms
 >>> d.match([(eq, 0.03, False)])
 > Search if a duration is not 30ms
 >>> d.match([(eq, 0.03, True)])
 >>> d.match([(ne, 0.03, False)])
 > Search if a duration is comprised between 0.3 and 0.7
 >>> l.match([(ge, 0.03, False),
 >>> (le, 0.07, False)], logic_bool="and")

See sppasDurationCompare() to get a list of functions.

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def match_duration(self, dur_functions, logic_bool='and'):
    """Return True if a duration matches all or any of the functions.

        :param dur_functions: list of (function, value, logical_not)
        :param logic_bool: (str) Apply a logical "and" or "or"
        :returns: (bool)

        - function: a function in python with 2 arguments: dur/value
        - value: the expected value for the duration (int/float/sppasDuration)
        - logical_not: boolean

        :Example: Search if a duration is exactly 30ms

            >>> d.match([(eq, 0.03, False)])

        :Example: Search if a duration is not 30ms

            >>> d.match([(eq, 0.03, True)])
            >>> d.match([(ne, 0.03, False)])

        :Example: Search if a duration is comprised between 0.3 and 0.7
            >>> l.match([(ge, 0.03, False),
            >>>          (le, 0.07, False)], logic_bool="and")

        See sppasDurationCompare() to get a list of functions.

    is_matching = False
    for loc, score in self.__localizations:
        dur = loc.duration()
        matches = list()
        for func, value, logical_not in dur_functions:
            if logical_not is True:
                matches.append(not func(dur, value))
                matches.append(func(dur, value))
        if logic_bool == 'and':
            is_matching = all(matches)
            is_matching = any(matches)
        if is_matching is True:
            return True
    return is_matching


Return True if a localization matches all or any of the functions.

  • locfunctions: list of(function, value, logicalnot)
  • logic_bool: (str) Apply a logical "and" or a logical "or" between the functions.
  • (bool)

  • function: a function in python with 2 arguments: loc/value

  • value: the expected value for the localization (int/float/sppasPoint)
  • logical_not: boolean
 > Search if a localization is after (or starts at) 1 minutes
 >>> l.match([(rangefrom, 60., False)])
 > Search if a localization is before (or ends at) 3 minutes
 >>> l.match([(rangeto, 180., True)])
 > Search if a localization is between 1 min and 3 min
 >>> l.match([(rangefrom, 60., False),
 >>> (rangeto, 180., False)], logic_bool="and")

See sppasLocalizationCompare() to get a list of functions.

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def match_localization(self, loc_functions, logic_bool='and'):
    """Return True if a localization matches all or any of the functions.

        :param loc_functions: list of (function, value, logical_not)
        :param logic_bool: (str) Apply a logical "and" or a logical "or"
        between the functions.
        :returns: (bool)

        - function: a function in python with 2 arguments: loc/value
        - value: the expected value for the localization (int/float/sppasPoint)
        - logical_not: boolean

        :Example: Search if a localization is after (or starts at) 1 minutes

            >>> l.match([(rangefrom, 60., False)])

        :Example: Search if a localization is before (or ends at) 3 minutes

            >>> l.match([(rangeto, 180., True)])

        :Example: Search if a localization is between 1 min and 3 min

            >>> l.match([(rangefrom, 60., False),
            >>>          (rangeto, 180., False)], logic_bool="and")

        See sppasLocalizationCompare() to get a list of functions.

    is_matching = False
    for loc, score in self.__localizations:
        matches = list()
        for func, value, logical_not in loc_functions:
            if logical_not is True:
                matches.append(not func(loc, value))
                matches.append(func(loc, value))
        if logic_bool == 'and':
            is_matching = all(matches)
            is_matching = any(matches)
        if is_matching is True:
            return True
    return is_matching


Set a radius value to all localizations.

  • radius: (int, float) New radius value

AnnDataTypeError, AnnDataNegValueError

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def set_radius(self, radius):
    """Set a radius value to all localizations.

        :param radius: (int, float) New radius value
        :raise: AnnDataTypeError, AnnDataNegValueError

    for t, s in self.__localizations:


Shift the location to a given delay.

  • delay: (int, float) delay to shift all localizations


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def shift(self, delay):
    """Shift the location to a given delay.

        :param delay: (int, float) delay to shift all localizations
        :raise: AnnDataTypeError

    for loc, score in self.__localizations:



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def __format__(self, fmt):
    return str(self).__format__(fmt)


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def __repr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    st = ''
    for t, s in self.__localizations:
        st += 'sppasLocalization({!s:s}, score={:s}), '.format(t, s)
    return st


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def __str__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    st = ''
    for t, s in self.__localizations:
        st += '{!s:s}, {!s:s} ; '.format(t, s)
    return st


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def __iter__(self):
    for loc in self.__localizations:
        yield loc


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def __getitem__(self, i):
    return self.__localizations[i]


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def __len__(self):
    return len(self.__localizations)


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def __eq__(self, other):
    if len(self.__localizations) != len(other):
        return False
    for l1, l2 in zip(self.__localizations, other):
        if l1[0] != l2[0]:
            return False
        if l1[1] != l2[1]:
            return False
    return True


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def __ne__(self, other):
    return not self == other