Manipulate images represented by a numpy.ndarray of BGR colors.
Extend sppasImage with methods returning a sequence of images.
Manipulate images represented by a numpy.ndarray of BGR colors.
Extend sppasImage with methods returning a sequence of images.
Return a list of the image with other overlaid between coords.
def ioverlays(self, other, coord1, coord2, nb_img=0, blur=False):
"""Return a list of the image with other overlaid between coords.
:param other: (sppasImage) Image to overlay
:param coord1: (sppasCoords) Position and optionally size to overlay - src
:param coord2: (sppasCoords) Position and optionally size to overlay - dest
:param nb_img: (int) Total number of images
:param blur: (bool)
:return: (list of sppasImage)
images = list()
coord1 = sppasCoords.to_coords(coord1)
coord2 = sppasCoords.to_coords(coord2)
images.append(self.ioverlay(other, coord1))
if nb_img > 2:
a, b = slope_intercept((coord1.x, coord1.y), (coord2.x, coord2.y))
step_x = (coord2.x - coord1.x) / float(nb_img + 1)
step_y = (coord2.y - coord1.y) / float(nb_img + 1)
step_w = (coord2.w - coord1.w) / float(nb_img)
step_h = (coord2.h - coord1.h) / float(nb_img)
prev_c = coord1
if blur is True:
blur_other = other.iblur()
tr_other = blur_other.ialpha(196, direction=-1)
for i in range(1, nb_img + 1):
pimg = self.copy()
x = max(0, coord1.x + int(step_x * i))
if coord1.x != coord2.x:
y = int(linear_fct(x, a, b))
y = max(0, coord1.y + int(step_y * i))
w = max(0, coord1.w + int(step_w * i))
h = max(0, coord1.h + int(step_h * i))
c = sppasCoords(x, y, w, h)
if blur is True and prev_c.x != c.x and (prev_c.y != c.y):
tr_step_x = (c.x - prev_c.x) // 3
tr_step_y = (c.y - prev_c.y) // 3
pimg = self.ioverlay(tr_other, (prev_c.x + tr_step_x, prev_c.y + tr_step_y, prev_c.w, prev_c.h))
pimg = pimg.ioverlay(tr_other, (prev_c.x + 2 * tr_step_x, prev_c.y + 2 * tr_step_y, prev_c.w, prev_c.h))
pimg = pimg.ioverlay(tr_other, (prev_c.x + 3 * tr_step_x, prev_c.y + 3 * tr_step_y, prev_c.w, prev_c.h))
pimg = pimg.ioverlay(other, c)
prev_c = c
images.append(self.ioverlay(other, coord2))
return images
Return a list of the image rotated ranging the given angles.
def irotates(self, angle1, angle2, center=None, scale=1.0, nb_img=0):
"""Return a list of the image rotated ranging the given angles.
:param angle1: (float) Angle start
:param angle2: (float) Angle end
:param center: (tuple) (x,y) position of the rotating center
:param scale: (float) Scale value
:param nb_img: (int) Total number of images
:return: (list of sppasImage)
images = list()
images.append(self.irotate(angle1, center, scale=1.0))
if nb_img > 2:
if 0.99 < scale < 1.01:
step_scale = 0.0
step_scale = (scale - 1.0) / float(nb_img + 1)
step_angle = (angle2 - angle1) / float(nb_img + 1)
for i in range(1, nb_img + 1):
s = 1.0 + i * step_scale
a = angle1 + i * step_angle
pimg = self.irotate(a, center, s)
images.append(self.irotate(angle2, center, scale))
return images
Return a list of the image scaled ranging from 1 to the value.
def iscales(self, scale=1.0, nb_img=0):
"""Return a list of the image scaled ranging from 1 to the value.
:param scale: (float) Scale value
:param nb_img: (int) Total number of images
:return: (list of sppasImage)
return self.irotates(0, 0, None, scale, nb_img)
Fade in the image in nb times from the given color.
def ifade_in(self, nb_img=0, color=(255, 255, 255)):
"""Fade in the image in nb times from the given color.
:param nb_img: (int) Total number of images of the sequence
:param color: BGR of the color
:return: (list of sppasImage)
images = list()
img = self.__back.ialpha(value=0, direction=-1)
w, h = img.size()
colored_img = sppasImage(0).blank_image(w, h, white=False, alpha=0)
colored_img = colored_img.iblue(color[0])
colored_img = colored_img.igreen(color[1])
colored_img = colored_img.ired(color[2])
for i in range(nb_img):
alpha_color = colored_img.ialpha(i * (255 // nb_img))
trimg = img.ioverlay(alpha_color, (0, 0, w, h))
return images