Public functions
Return the width (int) of the image.
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def width(self):
"""Return the width (int) of the image."""
w = self.shape[1]
return w
Return the height (int) of the image.
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def height(self):
"""Return the height (int) of the image."""
h = self.shape[0]
return h
Return the number of channels (int) of the image.
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def channel(self):
"""Return the number of channels (int) of the image."""
if len(self.shape) > 2:
_, _, c = self.shape
c = 0
return c
Return the position tuple(x, y) of the center of the image.
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def center(self):
"""Return the position tuple(x, y) of the center of the image."""
w, h = self.size()
return (w // 2, h // 2)
Return the size of the image as tuple(width, height).
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def size(self):
"""Return the size of the image as tuple(width, height)."""
h, w = self.shape[:2]
return (w, h)
Return the euclidian distance with the image.
- other: (sppasImage) an image with the same shape
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def euclidian_distance(self, other):
"""Return the euclidian distance with the image.
:param other: (sppasImage) an image with the same shape
w, h = self.size()
d = numpy.linalg.norm(self - other, axis=1)
return sum(sum(d)) / (w * h * 3)
Return the size of the image or a proportional size.
- width: (int) Force the image to the width
- height: (int) Force the image to the height
- tuple(int, int) Width and height
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def get_proportional_size(self, width=0, height=0):
"""Return the size of the image or a proportional size.
:param width: (int) Force the image to the width
:param height: (int) Force the image to the height
:return: tuple(int, int) Width and height
if len(self) == 0:
return (0, 0)
width = sppasCoords.to_dtype(width)
height = sppasCoords.to_dtype(height)
if width < 0:
raise NegativeValueError(width)
if height < 0:
raise NegativeValueError(height)
h, w = self.shape[:2]
if width + height == 0:
return (w, h)
prop_width = prop_height = 0
propw = proph = 1.0
if width != 0:
prop_width = width
propw = float(width) / float(w)
if height != 0:
prop_height = height
proph = float(height) / float(h)
if width == 0:
prop_width = int(float(w) * proph)
if height == 0:
prop_height = int(float(h) * propw)
return (prop_width, prop_height)
Add a square surrounding the given coordinates.
- coord: (sppasCoords) Area to surround
- color: (int, int, int) Rectangle color or brightness (if grayscale image).
- thickness: (int) Thickness of lines that make up the rectangle. Negative values, like CV_FILLED , mean that the function has to draw a filled rectangle.
- text: (str) Add text
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def surround_coord(self, coord, color, thickness, text=''):
"""Add a square surrounding the given coordinates.
:param coord: (sppasCoords) Area to surround
:param color: (int, int, int) Rectangle color or brightness (if grayscale image).
:param thickness: (int) Thickness of lines that make up the rectangle.
Negative values, like CV_FILLED , mean that the function has to
draw a filled rectangle.
:param text: (str) Add text
coord = sppasCoords.to_coords(coord)
cv2.rectangle(self, (coord.x, coord.y), (coord.x + coord.w, coord.y + coord.h), color, thickness)
if len(text) > 0:
h, w = self.shape[:2]
font_scale = float(w * h) / (1920.0 * 1080.0)
th = abs(thickness // 2)
text_size = cv2.getTextSize(text, fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=font_scale * 2, thickness=th)
if thickness < 0:
r, g, b = color
r = (r + 128) % 255
g = (g + 128) % 255
b = (b + 128) % 255
color = (r, g, b)
cv2.putText(self, text, (coord.x + 3 * th, coord.y + 3 * th + text_size[1]), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, font_scale, color, th)
Put a text at the given coords.
- coord: (sppasCoords) Area to put the text
- color: (int, int, int) Rectangle color or brightness (if grayscale image).
- thickness: (int) Thickness of lines that make up the rectangle. Negative values, like CV_FILLED , mean that the function has to draw a filled rectangle.
- text: (str) Add text
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def put_text(self, coord, color, thickness, text):
"""Put a text at the given coords.
:param coord: (sppasCoords) Area to put the text
:param color: (int, int, int) Rectangle color or brightness (if grayscale image).
:param thickness: (int) Thickness of lines that make up the rectangle.
Negative values, like CV_FILLED , mean that the function has to
draw a filled rectangle.
:param text: (str) Add text
w, _ = self.size()
coord = sppasCoords.to_coords(coord)
font_scale = max(1.0, float(w) / 1024.0)
if thickness < 0:
r, g, b = color
r = (r + 128) % 255
g = (g + 128) % 255
b = (b + 128) % 255
color = (r, g, b)
cv2.putText(self, text, (coord.x, coord.y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, font_scale, color, thickness)
Add a circle surrounding the given point.
- point: (sppasCoords, list, tuple) (x,y) values to surround
- color: (int, int, int) Rectangle color or brightness (if grayscale image).
- thickness: (int) Thickness of lines that make up the rectangle. Negative values, like CV_FILLED , mean that the function has to draw a filled rectangle.
- radius: (int) Radius of the circle
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def surround_point(self, point, color, thickness, radius=None):
"""Add a circle surrounding the given point.
:param point: (sppasCoords, list, tuple) (x,y) values to surround
:param color: (int, int, int) Rectangle color or brightness (if grayscale image).
:param thickness: (int) Thickness of lines that make up the rectangle.
Negative values, like CV_FILLED , mean that the function has to
draw a filled rectangle.
:param radius: (int) Radius of the circle
if isinstance(point, sppasCoords) is False:
if isinstance(point, (tuple, list)) and len(point) >= 2:
point = sppasCoords(point[0], point[1])
except Exception:
if isinstance(point, sppasCoords) is False:
sppasTypeError(point, 'sppasCoords, tuple, list')
thickness = max(2, thickness)
if radius is None:
radius = thickness // 2
x = point.x - radius
y = point.y - radius, (x, y), radius, color, thickness)
Create and return an image with black pixels only.
- w: (int) Image width. 0 means to use the current image width.
- h: (int) Image height. 0 means to use the current height.
- white: (bool) Return a white image instead of a black one.
- alpha: (int | None) Add alpha channel with the given int value
- dtype: (numpy.dtype) Image data type
- (sppasImage) Fully black BGR image
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def blank_image(self, w=0, h=0, white=False, alpha=None, dtype=numpy.uint8):
"""Create and return an image with black pixels only.
:param w: (int) Image width. 0 means to use the current image width.
:param h: (int) Image height. 0 means to use the current height.
:param white: (bool) Return a white image instead of a black one.
:param alpha: (int | None) Add alpha channel with the given int value
:param dtype: (numpy.dtype) Image data type
:return: (sppasImage) Fully black BGR image
if w < 0:
raise NegativeValueError(w)
if h < 0:
raise NegativeValueError(h)
if w == 0:
w = self.width
if h == 0:
h = self.height
t = (h, w, 3)
nparray = numpy.zeros(t, dtype=dtype)
if white is True:
nparray[:, :, (0, 1, 2)] = 255
img = sppasImage(input_array=nparray)
if alpha is not None:
return img.ialpha(alpha)
return img
Return a copy of the image in red-color.
- value: (int) Fixed red value ranging (0, 255)
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def ired(self, value=0):
"""Return a copy of the image in red-color.
:param value: (int) Fixed red value ranging (0, 255)
:return: (sppasImage)
value = int(value)
value = value % 255
img = self.copy()
img[:, :, (0, 1)] = value
return sppasImage(input_array=img)
Return a copy of the image in green-color.
- value: (int) Fixed green value ranging (0, 255)
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def igreen(self, value=0):
"""Return a copy of the image in green-color.
:param value: (int) Fixed green value ranging (0, 255)
:return: (sppasImage)
value = int(value)
value = value % 255
img_green = self.copy()
img_green[:, :, (0, 2)] = value
return sppasImage(input_array=img_green)
Return a copy of the image in blue-color.
- value: (int) Fixed blue value ranging (0, 255)
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def iblue(self, value=0):
"""Return a copy of the image in blue-color.
:param value: (int) Fixed blue value ranging (0, 255)
:return: (sppasImage)
value = int(value)
value = value % 255
img = self.copy()
img[:, :, (1, 2)] = value
return sppasImage(input_array=img)
Return a copy of the image in RGBA colors.
Do nothing if no channel defined.
- value: (int) Alpha value for transparency (0-255)
- direction: (int) 0 means to assign the value to each pixel, but -1 means to only assign the value to pixels if the existing transparency is higher than value (lowers are un-changed) and +1 means to assign alpha value if the existing one is lower (higher values are unchanged).
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def ialpha(self, value=0, direction=0):
"""Return a copy of the image in RGBA colors.
Do nothing if no channel defined.
:param value: (int) Alpha value for transparency (0-255)
:param direction: (int) 0 means to assign the value to each pixel, but
-1 means to only assign the value to pixels if the existing transparency
is higher than value (lowers are un-changed) and +1 means to assign
alpha value if the existing one is lower (higher values are unchanged).
:return: (sppasImage)
if == 3:
imga = sppasImage(input_array=cv2.cvtColor(self, cv2.COLOR_RGB2RGBA))
imga = self.copy()
if == 4:
value = int(value)
value = value % 255
if direction == 0:
imga[:, :, 3] = value
elif direction < 0:
numpy.clip(imga[:, :, 3], 0, value, out=imga[:, :, 3])
numpy.clip(imga[:, :, 3], value, 255, out=imga[:, :, 3])
return imga
Return a copy of the image with given in BGR/BGRA color values.
- bgr: (tuple) A tuple(b, g, r) or tuple(b, g, r, a) color.
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def ibgr(self, bgr):
"""Return a copy of the image with given in BGR/BGRA color values.
:param bgr: (tuple) A tuple(b, g, r) or tuple(b, g, r, a) color.
:return: (sppasImage)
if len(bgr) < 3:
raise ValueError('Expected a (b, g, r) or (b, g, r, a) color. Got {} instead.'.format(bgr))
img = self.copy()
value = int(bgr[0])
value = value % 255
img[:, :, 0] = value
value = int(bgr[1])
value = value % 255
img[:, :, 1] = value
value = int(bgr[2])
value = value % 255
img[:, :, 2] = value
if len(bgr) == 4:
return img.ialpha(bgr[3])
return img
Return a copy of the image without the alpha channel.
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def ibgra_to_bgr(self):
"""Return a copy of the image without the alpha channel.
:return: (sppasImage)
return sppasImage(input_array=cv2.cvtColor(self, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2BGR))
Return a copy of the image in grayscale.
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def igray(self):
"""Return a copy of the image in grayscale.
:return: (sppasImage)
if == 4:
avg = numpy.average(self, weights=[0.114, 0.587, 0.2989, 1], axis=2)
elif == 3:
avg = numpy.average(self, weights=[0.114, 0.587, 0.2989], axis=2)
return self.copy()
gray = self.copy()
gray[:, :, 0] = avg
gray[:, :, 1] = avg
gray[:, :, 2] = avg
return sppasImage(input_array=gray)
Return a copy of the image in negative/positive colors.
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def inegative(self):
"""Return a copy of the image in negative/positive colors.
:return: (sppasImage)
img = 255 - self
return sppasImage(input_array=img)
Return a copy of the image with a color-reduction applied.
- value: (int) Reduction value in range(0, 255)
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def ireduction(self, value=128):
"""Return a copy of the image with a color-reduction applied.
:param value: (int) Reduction value in range(0, 255)
:return: (sppasImage)
value = int(value)
if value < 0:
return self.copy()
coeff = value % 255
img = self // coeff * coeff
return sppasImage(input_array=img)
Return a copy of the image with lightness changed.
- coeff: (float) Set a value in range (0, 1) to increase lightness, or a value > 1 to increase darkness.
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def igamma(self, coeff=1.0):
"""Return a copy of the image with lightness changed.
:param coeff: (float) Set a value in range (0, 1) to increase
lightness, or a value > 1 to increase darkness.
:return: (sppasImage)
if coeff < 0.0:
coeff = 0.0
img = 255.0 * (self / 255.0) ** coeff
return sppasImage(input_array=img)
Return a copy of the image representing RGB colors.
Remove alpha channel if any.
- (sppasImage) an RGB image
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def ito_rgb(self):
"""Return a copy of the image representing RGB colors.
Remove alpha channel if any.
:raises: TypeError
:return: (sppasImage) an RGB image
img = self.copy()
if > 2:
return img[:, :, [2, 1, 0]]
raise sppasTypeError('image', 'BGR/BGRA sppasImage')
Return a copy of image with a shadow added.
- x: (int) Shadow width
- y: (int) Shadow height
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def ishadow(self, x=5, y=20):
"""Return a copy of image with a shadow added.
:param x: (int) Shadow width
:param y: (int) Shadow height
:return: (sppasImage)
tmp = self.igray()
tmp = tmp.ishift(x, y)
return tmp.ioverlay(self, (0, 0))
Return a trimmed part of the image at given coordinates.
- coord: (sppasCoords) crop to these x, y, w, h values.
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def icrop(self, coord):
"""Return a trimmed part of the image at given coordinates.
:param coord: (sppasCoords) crop to these x, y, w, h values.
:return: (sppasImage)
coord = sppasCoords.to_coords(coord)
x1 = coord.x
x2 = coord.x + coord.w
y1 = coord.y
y2 = coord.y + coord.h
cropped = self[y1:y2, x1:x2]
return sppasImage(input_array=cropped)
Return a cropped part of the image.
- coord: (tuple or sppasCoords)
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def itrim(self, coord):
"""Return a cropped part of the image.
:param coord: (tuple or sppasCoords)
:return: (sppasImage)
return self.icrop(coord)
Return a copy of the image with the specified width and height.
- width: (int) The width to resize to (0=proportional to height)
- height: (int) The height to resize to (0=proportional to width)
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def iresize(self, width=0, height=0):
"""Return a copy of the image with the specified width and height.
:param width: (int) The width to resize to (0=proportional to height)
:param height: (int) The height to resize to (0=proportional to width)
:return: (sppasImage)
if width == 0 and height == 0:
return self.copy()
prop_width, prop_height = self.get_proportional_size(width, height)
if prop_width + prop_height == 0:
return self.copy()
dif = self.height if self.height > self.width else self.width
interpol = cv2.INTER_AREA if dif > (width + height) // 2 else cv2.INTER_CUBIC
image = cv2.resize(self, (prop_width, prop_height), interpolation=interpol)
return sppasImage(input_array=image)
Return a zoomed copy of the image.
Resize and crop the image to zoom it to the given size.
Keep the original aspect ratio of the image, but crop if necessary.
- width: (int) The width to resize to
- height: (int) The height to resize to
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def izoom(self, width, height):
"""Return a zoomed copy of the image.
Resize and crop the image to zoom it to the given size.
Keep the original aspect ratio of the image, but crop if necessary.
:param width: (int) The width to resize to
:param height: (int) The height to resize to
:return: (sppasImage)
aspect_ratio = int(100.0 * float(self.width) / float(self.height)) / 100.0
res_aspect_ratio = int(100.0 * float(width) / float(height)) / 100.0
if aspect_ratio > res_aspect_ratio:
img_w = int(aspect_ratio * float(height))
img_h = height
img = self.iresize(img_w, img_h)
x1 = int(float(img_w - width) / 2.0)
x2 = x1 + width
img = img[:, x1:x2, :]
elif aspect_ratio < res_aspect_ratio:
img_w = width
img_h = int(float(width) / aspect_ratio)
img = self.iresize(img_w, img_h)
y1 = int(float(img_h - height) / 2.0)
y2 = y1 + height
img = img[y1:y2, :, :]
img = self.iresize(width, height)
return sppasImage(input_array=img)
Return a copy of the image centered in an image of given size.
Center the image into a blank image of the given size.
Keep the original aspect ratio of the image, crop if necessary or
add a black border all around.
- width: (int) The width to resize to
- height: (int) The height to resize to
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def icenter(self, width, height):
"""Return a copy of the image centered in an image of given size.
Center the image into a blank image of the given size.
Keep the original aspect ratio of the image, crop if necessary or
add a black border all around.
:param width: (int) The width to resize to
:param height: (int) The height to resize to
:return: (sppasImage)
coord = sppasCoords(0, 0, width, height)
if self.width > width:
coord.x = (self.width - width) // 2
if self.height > height:
coord.y = (self.height - height) // 2
img = self.icrop(coord)
if == 4:
mask = sppasImage(0).blank_image(width, height, white=False, alpha=0)
mask = sppasImage(0).blank_image(width, height)
x_pos = (width - img.width) // 2
y_pos = (height - img.height) // 2
mask[y_pos:y_pos + img.height, x_pos:x_pos + img.width, :] = img[:img.height, :img.width, :]
return sppasImage(input_array=mask)
Return an extended copy of the image of given size.
Scale the image to match the given size, keeping aspect ratio.
Keep the original aspect ratio of the image, add a black border.
- width: (int) The width to resize to
- height: (int) The height to resize to
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def iextend(self, width, height):
"""Return an extended copy of the image of given size.
Scale the image to match the given size, keeping aspect ratio.
Keep the original aspect ratio of the image, add a black border.
:param width: (int) The width to resize to
:param height: (int) The height to resize to
:return: (sppasImage)
aspect_ratio = int(100.0 * float(self.width) / float(self.height)) / 100.0
res_aspect_ratio = int(100.0 * float(width) / float(height)) / 100.0
if aspect_ratio == res_aspect_ratio:
return self.iresize(width, height)
elif aspect_ratio > res_aspect_ratio:
coeff = float(width) / float(self.width)
img = self.iresize(width, int(coeff * float(self.height)))
coeff = float(height) / float(self.height)
img = self.iresize(int(coeff * float(self.width)), height)
return img.icenter(width, height)
Return a rotated copy of the image with the given angle.
This method is part of imutils under the terms of the MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Adrian Rosebrock,
See here for details:
- angle: (float) Rotation angle in degrees.
- center: (int) Center of the rotation in the source image.
- scale: (float) Isotropic scale factor.
- redimension: (bool) Scale the image to fit in the previous square
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def irotate(self, angle, center=None, scale=1.0, redimension=True):
"""Return a rotated copy of the image with the given angle.
This method is part of imutils under the terms of the MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Adrian Rosebrock,
See here for details:
:param angle: (float) Rotation angle in degrees.
:param center: (int) Center of the rotation in the source image.
:param scale: (float) Isotropic scale factor.
:param redimension: (bool) Scale the image to fit in the previous square
:return: (sppasImage)
h, w = self.shape[:2]
if center is None:
center = (w // 2, h // 2)
matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, -angle, scale)
if redimension is True:
cos = numpy.abs(matrix[0, 0])
sin = numpy.abs(matrix[0, 1])
new_width = int(h * sin + w * cos)
new_height = int(h * cos + w * sin)
matrix[0, 2] += new_width // 2 - center[0]
matrix[1, 2] += new_height // 2 - center[1]
new_width = w
new_height = h
rotated = cv2.warpAffine(self, matrix, (new_width, new_height))
return sppasImage(input_array=rotated)
Return a shifted copy of the image at given coordinates.
Shift the content at left/right and/or top/bottom.
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def ishift(self, x, y):
"""Return a shifted copy of the image at given coordinates.
Shift the content at left/right and/or top/bottom.
:param x: (int)
:param y: (int)
:return: (sppasImage)
h, w = self.shape[:2]
matrix = numpy.float32([[1, 0, x], [0, 1, y]])
shifted = cv2.warpAffine(self, matrix, (w, h))
return sppasImage(input_array=shifted)
Return a flipped copy of the image.
flipcode = 0: flip vertically
flipcode > 0: flip horizontally
flip_code < 0: flip vertically and horizontally
- flip_code: (int) Indicate the way to flip the image
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def iflip(self, flip_code=-1):
"""Return a flipped copy of the image.
flip_code = 0: flip vertically
flip_code > 0: flip horizontally
flip_code < 0: flip vertically and horizontally
:param flip_code: (int) Indicate the way to flip the image
:return: (sppasImage)
if flip_code == 0:
img = numpy.flipud(self)
elif flip_code > 0:
img = numpy.fliplr(self)
img = numpy.flip(self, (0, 1))
return sppasImage(input_array=img)
Return a copy of the image masked with the other given image.
- other: (sppasImage) Image to mask (black areas)
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def imask(self, other):
"""Return a copy of the image masked with the other given image.
:param other: (sppasImage) Image to mask (black areas)
:return: (sppasImage)
w, h = self.size()
other = other.iresize(w, h)
dst = self * other / 255
return sppasImage(input_array=dst)
Return a copy of the image with smoothed borders.
- value: (int) Kernel value, from 0 to 51.
- method: (str) One of: None, "gaussian" or "median"
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def iblur(self, value=51, method='gaussian'):
"""Return a copy of the image with smoothed borders.
:param value: (int) Kernel value, from 0 to 51.
:param method: (str) One of: None, "gaussian" or "median"
:return: (sppasImage)
if method is None:
mask_blur = cv2.blur(self, (value, value))
elif method.lower() == 'median':
mask_blur = cv2.medianBlur(self, value)
mask_blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(self, (value, value), cv2.BORDER_DEFAULT)
return sppasImage(input_array=mask_blur)
Return a blank image with the contours of the image in color.
- threshold: (int) value which is used to classify the pixel values (0-255)
- color: (tuple) BGR values of the color to draw the contours
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def icontours(self, threshold=128, color=(0, 255, 0)):
"""Return a blank image with the contours of the image in color.
:param threshold: (int) value which is used to classify the pixel values (0-255)
:param color: (tuple) BGR values of the color to draw the contours
:return: (sppasImage)
if < 2:
logging.error('Invalid image to draw a contour.')
return self
img_grey = cv2.cvtColor(self, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
_, thresh_img = cv2.threshold(img_grey, threshold, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh_img, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
img_contours = numpy.zeros(self.shape)
cv2.drawContours(img_contours, contours, -1, color, 3)
return sppasImage(input_array=img_contours)
Return a copy of the image with other paste on it at given coords.
Replace the current image with the given one at given coords.
- other: (sppasImage) Image to paste
- coord: (sppasCoords) Position and optionally size to paste
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def ipaste(self, other, coord):
"""Return a copy of the image with other paste on it at given coords.
Replace the current image with the given one at given coords.
:param other: (sppasImage) Image to paste
:param coord: (sppasCoords) Position and optionally size to paste
:return: (sppasImage)
img = self.copy()
other = sppasImage(input_array=other)
coord = sppasCoords.to_coords(coord)
if !=
if == 3 and == 4:
other = other.ialpha(0)
if == 4 and == 3:
img = self.ialpha(0)
if coord.w > 0 and coord.h > 0:
paste_img = other.iresize(coord.w, coord.h)
paste_img = other
w, h = other.size()
coord.w = w
coord.h = h
w, h = self.size()
to_crop = False
if coord.x + coord.w > w:
new_w = w - coord.x
coord.w = new_w
to_crop = True
if coord.y + coord.h > h:
new_h = h - coord.y
to_crop = True
coord.h = new_h
if to_crop is True:
paste_img = paste_img.icrop((0, 0, coord.w, coord.h))
x1 = coord.x
x2 = coord.x + coord.w
y1 = coord.y
y2 = coord.y + coord.h
img[y1:y2, x1:x2] = paste_img
return img
Return a copy of the image with the other image added or blended.
- other: (sppasImage) Image to blend with
- coord: (sppasCoord) Blend only the given area of self with other
- weight1: (float) coeff on the image
- weight2: (float) coeff on the other image
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def iblend(self, other, coord=None, weight1=0.5, weight2=0.5):
"""Return a copy of the image with the other image added or blended.
:param other: (sppasImage) Image to blend with
:param coord: (sppasCoord) Blend only the given area of self with other
:param weight1: (float) coeff on the image
:param weight2: (float) coeff on the other image
:return: (sppasImage)
w, h = self.size()
img = self.copy()
if coord is None:
other = other.iresize(w, h)
blank = sppasImage(0).blank_image(w, h, white=False, alpha=0)
if == 3:
other = other.ialpha(254)
other = blank.ipaste(other, coord)
if == 3:
img = self.ialpha(254)
blended = cv2.addWeighted(img, weight1, other, weight2, 0)
return sppasImage(input_array=blended)
Return a copy of the image with the other image added.
- other: (sppasImage) Image to blend with
- coord: (sppasCoord) Overlay in the given area of self with other
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def ioverlay(self, other, coord):
"""Return a copy of the image with the other image added.
:param other: (sppasImage) Image to blend with
:param coord: (sppasCoord) Overlay in the given area of self with other
:return: (sppasImage)
back_image = self.copy()
w, h = self.size()
over_image = sppasImage(input_array=other)
coord = sppasCoords.to_coords(coord)
if == 3:
over_image = over_image.ialpha(254)
if == 3:
back_image = self.ialpha(254)
if coord.w > 0 and coord.h > 0:
over_image = over_image.iresize(coord.w, coord.h)
cols, rows = over_image.shape[:2]
x = coord.x
y = coord.y
if x + rows > w:
rows = w - x
if y + cols > h:
cols = h - y
tmp = sppasImage(0).blank_image(w, h, white=False, alpha=254)
over_image = tmp.ipaste(over_image, (x, y))
alpha_background = back_image[:, :, 3] / 255.0
alpha_foreground = over_image[:, :, 3] / 255.0
roi_over = back_image.copy()
for color in range(0, 3):
roi_over[:, :, color] = alpha_foreground * over_image[:, :, color] + alpha_background * roi_over[:, :, color] * (1 - alpha_foreground)
roi_over[:, :, 3] = (1 - (1 - alpha_foreground) * (1 - alpha_background)) * 255
if rows > 0 and cols > 0:
black = sppasImage(0).blank_image(rows, cols, white=False, alpha=254)
back_image = back_image.ipaste(black, (x, y))
combined = cv2.add(back_image, roi_over)
return sppasImage(input_array=combined)
Return a new image with a square surrounding all the given coords.
- coords: (List of sppasCoords) Areas to surround
- color: (int, int, int) Rectangle color
- thickness: (int) Thickness of lines that make up the rectangle. Negative values, like CV_FILLED , mean that the function has to draw a filled rectangle.
- score: (bool) Add the confidence score of the coords
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def isurround(self, coords, color=(50, 100, 200), thickness=2, score=False):
"""Return a new image with a square surrounding all the given coords.
:param coords: (List of sppasCoords) Areas to surround
:param color: (int, int, int) Rectangle color
:param thickness: (int) Thickness of lines that make up the rectangle.
Negative values, like CV_FILLED , mean that the function has to
draw a filled rectangle.
:param score: (bool) Add the confidence score of the coords
:return: (sppasImage)
img = self.copy()
for c in coords:
c = sppasCoords.to_coords(c)
if c.w > 0 and c.h > 0:
text = ''
if score is True and c.get_confidence() > 0.0:
text = '{:.3f}'.format(c.get_confidence())
img.surround_coord(c, color, thickness, text)
img.surround_point(c, color, thickness)
return img
Applied a filter on the image to create a cartoon effect.
- colorize: (bool) If we want our image in only black and white (False) or with colors (True).
- (sppasImage) The image with the filter applied on it
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def icartoon(self, colorize=True):
"""Applied a filter on the image to create a cartoon effect.
:param colorize: (bool) If we want our image in only black and
white (False) or with colors (True).
:return: (sppasImage) The image with the filter applied on it
alpha_image = None
if == 4:
alpha_image = self[:, :, 3] / 255.0
img = self.ibgra_to_bgr()
img = self.copy()
img_blur = cv2.medianBlur(img, 5)
img_bf = cv2.bilateralFilter(img_blur, d=3, sigmaColor=50, sigmaSpace=50)
img_lp_al = cv2.Laplacian(img_bf, cv2.CV_8U, ksize=5)
img_lp_al_grey = cv2.cvtColor(img_lp_al, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
blur_al = cv2.GaussianBlur(img_lp_al_grey, (5, 5), 0)
_, tresh_al = cv2.threshold(blur_al, 245, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
inverted_bilateral = cv2.subtract(255, tresh_al)
if colorize is True:
img_color = cv2.bilateralFilter(img, d=8, sigmaColor=250, sigmaSpace=250)
img_color = sppasImage(input_array=cv2.bitwise_and(img_color, img_color, mask=inverted_bilateral))
if alpha_image is not None:
img_color = img_color.ialpha(254)
img_color[:, :, 3] = alpha_image * 255
return img_color
if alpha_image is not None:
img = sppasImage(input_array=inverted_bilateral).ialpha(254)
img[:, :, 3] = alpha_image * 255
return img
return sppasImage(input_array=inverted_bilateral)
Smooth colors, down-sample and Up-sample the original image colors.
- nbdownsamp: (int) number of downscaling steps
- (sppasImage) The image with the filter applied on it
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def iquantization_color(self, nb_down_samp=2):
"""Smooth colors, down-sample and Up-sample the original image colors.
:param nb_down_samp: (int) number of downscaling steps
:return: (sppasImage) The image with the filter applied on it
img_color = self.copy()
for _ in range(nb_down_samp):
img_color = cv2.pyrDown(img_color)
for _ in range(50):
img_color = cv2.bilateralFilter(img_color, 9, 9, 7)
for _ in range(nb_down_samp):
img_color = cv2.pyrUp(img_color)
return sppasImage(input_array=img_color)
Applied an invert filter on the image.
- (sppasImage) The image with the filter applied on it
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def iinvert(self):
"""Applied an invert filter on the image.
:return: (sppasImage) The image with the filter applied on it
"\n alpha_image = None\n\n # image doesn't have an alpha channel\n if == 3:\n img = self.copy()\n else:\n # normalize alpha channels from 0-255 to 0-1\n alpha_image = self[:, :, 3] / 255.0\n # get the image without the alpha channel\n img = self.ibgra_to_bgr()\n\n # apply the invert filter\n invert_array = cv2.bitwise_not(img)\n\n if alpha_image is not None:\n # create alpha channel and restore original image alpha\n img = sppasImage(input_array=invert_array).ialpha(254)\n img[:, :, 3] = alpha_image * 255\n\n return img\n "
invert_array = cv2.bitwise_not(self.copy())
return sppasImage(input_array=invert_array)
Applied an overlay with a specified color on the image.
- color_overlay: (tuple[int, int, int]) The color of the overlay on the rgb format
- intensity: (float) The intensity
- (sppasImage) The image with the filter applied on it
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def ioverlay_color(self, color_overlay, intensity=0.2):
"""Applied an overlay with a specified color on the image.
:param color_overlay: (tuple[int, int, int]) The color of the overlay on the rgb format
:param intensity: (float) The intensity
:return: (sppasImage) The image with the filter applied on it
image = cv2.cvtColor(self.copy(), cv2.COLOR_BGR2BGRA)
image_height, image_width, _ = image.shape
color_bgra = color_overlay[::-1] + (1,)
overlay = numpy.full((image_height, image_width, 4), color_bgra, dtype='uint8')
cv2.addWeighted(overlay, intensity, image, 1.0, 0, image)
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2BGR)
return sppasImage(input_array=image)
Return a copy of the image with dtype=numpy.uint8.
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def iuint8(self):
"""Return a copy of the image with dtype=numpy.uint8."""
img = self / self.max()
img = 255 * img
return img.astype(numpy.uint8)
Write the image on disk.
- filename: (str) Name of the image file
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def write(self, filename):
"""Write the image on disk.
:param filename: (str) Name of the image file
:raises: (ImageWriteError)
cv2.imwrite(filename, self)
except cv2.error as e:
logging.error('Error when writing file {}: {}'.format(filename, str(e)))
raise ImageWriteError(filename)