The automatic annotation and analysis of speech

Install or update SPPAS package

There is a unique version of the SPPAS package which does not depend on the operating system.

The package does not need elaborate installation: all you need to do is to download and copy it from the website to somewhere on your computer. The package is compressed and zipped, so you will have to decompress and unpack it once you've got it, and... that's it.

How to unzip?

About the location of the uncompressed package

You have to choose a location, somewhere in your User directory. Actually, SPPAS offers customizable solutions; then each user must have his/her own version of SPPAS, and must have 'write' permission on the location.

About the name of the uncompressed package

Install external programs

This is a two-stages process:

  1. install the required ones;
  2. launch setup to install the optional ones.

1. Required external programs

Under Windows

Windows Logo 1985

Launch the Microsoft Store. Search the Microsoft Store app for “Python 3”. Select the App with the name Python 3.10, or 3.11 or 3.12. Ensure that the app you select is published by the Python Software Foundation and that you select a supported version.

Here are details about this installation procedure.

Under MacOS

Mac Logo 1984
  1. Install Homebrew.
  2. A version of Python is already installed but most of the time it is not up-to-date. So, you'll need to install a recent one. Open the Terminal application and launch the command:
    brew install python

Under Linux

Linux Logo

Use either apt/yum/brew or any other tool to install the packages:

  • python3
  • python3-venv
  • python3-pip
  • gstreamer (optional)

Important information

  1. For a full experience of SPPAS, choose Python 3.10 - 3.11..
  2. Installing one and ONLY ONE version of Python is highly recommended!

2. Enable features: setup

External programs have to be installed on your operating system to enable some features of SPPAS. You must do it every time you install a new package of SPPAS, or/and if you change the version of Python on your computer.

The SPPAS setup was tested with Firefox only. Using another web-browser is at your own risk.

Under Windows

Windows Logo 1985

OPTION 1: Let's SPPAS installing the programs

Double-click the `setup.bat` file.

After a few seconds, it will open a new tab in your favorite web-browser - hopefully Firefox.

OPTION 2: Install the programs manually

  1. Launch either 'cmd.exe' or the 'PowerShell' application or the 'PowerShell with Admin rights' application
  2. Change location to the unzipped SPPAS package
  3. Launch the command:
    python3.exe -m venv .sppaspyenv~
  4. Launch the command:
    .sppaspyenv~\Scripts\python.exe sppas\bin\
    Then choose the features to be installed.

Under MacOS-Linux

Mac Logo 1984 Linux Logo

OPTION 1: Let's SPPAS installing the programs

Double-click the `setup.command` file.

After a few seconds, it opens a new tab in your favorite web-browser (hopefully Firefox) -- the administrator password may be asked in the terminal application.

For linux users, this procedure is supported if either "brew" or "dpkg/apt" is available.

You may need to change file permission to add the "execution" right. Open a terminal, change directory to SPPAS folder and execute: chmod +x *.command

OPTION 2: Install the programs manually

  1. Open a Terminal application
  2. Change location to the SPPAS package
  3. Launch the command:
    python3 -m venv .sppaspyenv~
  4. Launch the command:
    .sppaspyenv~/bin/python sppas/bin/
    Then choose the features to be installed.

In case of error, or for other OS

Here is a summary of the programs to install in your OS, and of the pypi packages to install in the Python virtual environment of SPPAS:

Take a look at the file sppas/etc/features.ini for the full list and versions.


What can happen with a more recent version of Python?

What can happen with an older version of Python?

What is happening if I change the Python version on my computer?

SPPAS can work with various versions of Python. If you need to delete a version on your system and to install a new one, you also have to delete the folder ".sppaspyenv~" which is located at the root of the SPPAS package, and then to re-launch the setup (see below).

Contact Python developers or see the Python FAQ for any help with Python installation.

External programs installation ISSUES

Anaconda must not be used.

Installation error of Julius under Windows

If you installed the programs without the administration rights, Julius failed to be installed. You have then to move the file "julius.exe" to C:\\WINDOWS, or anywhere else Windows can find it.

ISSUE for macOS 12+

The new gift of Apple: Under macOS 12, it seems that SPPAS is no longer allowed to launch "julius" to perform alignment. The Gatekeeper is overly zealous in preventing a third party app from being used in macOS.

In that case, turn off Gatekeeper through the System Preferences or launch Terminal if you haven't done so yet (/Applications/Utilities/) and issue the following command to turn off Gatekeeper: >sudo spctl --master-disable

ISSUE for Windows 10 + Python 3 + wxPython 4 + non-romanized languages

There's currently an issue - described here, under Some Windows OS with the versions Python 3.8+ and WxPython 4.1.0. It concerns only languages with a non-Romanized writing system. We are waiting that the developers of Python/wxPython solve the problem. I recommend to Windows users of non-romanized languages to choose an earlier version of Python (3.6 or 3.7).

Notice that it is not an issue under Linux and macOS; because the problem comes from Windows OS itself.