Spanish Language


This chapter describes the linguistic resources included in the file of the lang folder.

List of phonemes

Consonant Plosives

SPPAS IPA Description Examples
p p voiceless bilabial pozo, topo, perro
b b voiced bilabial bestia, embuste, vaca
t t voiceless alveolar tamiz, átomo
d d voiced alveolar dedo, cuando, aldaba
k k voiceless velar caña, laca, quise, kilo
g g voiced velar gato, lengua, gatouerra

Consonant Fricatives

SPPAS IPA Description Examples
f f voiceless labiodental fase, café
j\ t͡s voiced palatal fricative ayer, haya
s s voiceless alveolar saco, zapato, cientos, espita
z z voiced alveolar isla, mismo, deshuesar
S ʃ voiceless postalveolar English, abacaxi, Shakira
T θ voiceless dental cereal, encima, zorro, enzima, paz
x x voiceless velar jamón, eje, reloj, general

Consonant Nasals

SPPAS IPA Description Examples
m m bilabial madre, campo, convertir
n n alveolar nido, anhelo, sin, álbum
J ɲ palatal ñandú, cañón, enyesar

Consonant Liquids

SPPAS IPA Description Examples
l l alveolar lateral lino, alhaja, principal
L ʎ palatal lateral llave, pollo, roughly
r r alveolar trill rumbo, carro, amor
4 ɾ alveolar flap caro, bravo, eterno


SPPAS IPA Description Examples
j j voiced palatal aliada, cielo, amplio
w w voiced labiovelar cuadro, fuego


SPPAS IPA Description Examples
a a open front unrounded azahar
o o close-mid back rounded boscoso
e e close-mid front unrounded vehemente
i i close front unrounded dimitir, mío
u u close back rounded cucurucho, dúo


SPPAS IPA Description Examples
tS t͡ʃ voiceless postalveolar chubasco, acechar


SPPAS Description
laugh laughter
noise noises, unintelligible speech
dummy un-transcribed speech


All Spanish lexicons are (c) Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence, France:

  • spa.vocab contains a list of 22k different words;
  • spa_num.repl allows to convert numbers to their written form;
  • spa.repl allows to convert symbols and abbreviations into a text form.

All of them are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

Pronunciation Dictionary

The pronunciation dictionary was downloaded from the CMU web page in 2013. Brigitte Bigi converted the CMU phoneset to X-SAMPA, and changed the format of the file. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

Acoustic Model

The acoustic model was trained from Glissando corpus. We address special thanks to Juan-Maria Garrido for giving us access to this corpus. It is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License. The model was created using a Python script available in the SPPAS package:

GARRIDO, J. M. - ESCUDERO, D. - AGUILAR, L. -CARDEÑOSO, V. - RODERO, E. - DE-LA-MOTA, C. - GONZÁLEZ, C. - RUSTULLET, S. - LARREA, O. - LAPLAZA, Y. - VIZCAÍNO, F. - CABRERA, M. - BONAFONTE, A. (2013). Glissando: a corpus for multidisciplinary prosodic studies in Spanish and Catalan, Language Resources and Evaluation, DOI 10.1007/s10579-012-9213-0.