The automatic annotation and analysis of speech


Why doing it?

There are several reasons to learn and use scripts for your research:

  1. Apply your work in several contexts, by automatizing a task
  2. Make your work reproducible
  3. Customize SPPAS solutions

Among the very long list of programming languages, Python is one of the most popular in the world, with strong peer support and helpful documentation. Python offers a wide range of libraries that can be used across various applications, including machine learning, statistics, data analysis, etc.

Python's simple syntax, combined with its large set of libraries, is helping us to do more with fewer efforts.

Scripting with Python

It is assumed that a version of Python is installed and configured. It is also assumed that the Python IDLE is ready-to-use. For more details about Python.

Introduction to programming

What are the basic concepts for programming scripts?

Python programming

What are the basics of python programming?

Scripting with SPPAS

Adding "sppas" to the Python path

SPPAS implementation is available in the "sppas" directory of the package. For any script using it, we've to tell Python where to find it! This can be done with the following lines:

 import os
 import sys
 # If there's a SPPAS environment variable
 SPPAS = os.getenv("SPPAS")
 if SPPAS is None:
     SPPAS = "path/to/your/SPPAS-package"
 import sppas

Scripting for beginners


A library to deal with the annotated data.

import sppas.src.anndata

API documentation

Click here to get access to the documentation index.

SPPAS configuration, and install of its dependencies


Library to configure SPPAS.

import sppas.config


Library for installing programs with the setup.

import sppas.preinstall

Data management: annotated data, images and videos


Library to deal with the annotated data.

import sppas.src.anndata


A library to deal with the images.

import sppas.src.imgdata


A library to deal with the videos.

import sppas.src.videodata

Data structures and utilities


A library for various data structures in SPPAS.

import sppas.src.structs


Utility library for SPPAS.

import sppas.src.utils

Data files and linguistic resources


A library to manage files and references in workspaces.

import sppas.src.wkps


The library for working with the linguistic resources.

import sppas.src.resources

Annotations & analysis


The library for the analysis of annotated data.

import sppas.src.analysis


The library for the automatic annotations.

import sppas.src.annotations