The automatic annotation and analysis of speech

Incoming SPPAS events

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Past SPPAS events

When Where Event name Organizer What Title Link
2024 Nancy, France Colloque Sciences Ouvertes 2024 - Produire, ouvrir et valoriser les logiciels de recherche à l'Université de Lorraine Université de Lorraine Talk SPPAS : Un outil scientifique au service de la recherche. website
2024 Toulouse, France XXXVe Journées d’Études sur la Parole Poster Preuve de concept d'un système de génération automatique en Langue française Parlée Complétée. website
2024 Turin, Italy Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation Poster Automatically Estimating Textual and Phonemic Complexity for Cued Speech: How to See the Sounds from French Texts. website
2023 Poznań, Poland 9th Language & Technology Conference Adam Mickiewicz University Communications Resources Creation of Bengali for SPPAS.
An analysis of produced versus predicted French Cued Speech keys.
2023 Igdtuw, Delhi, India 26th Conference of the Oriental Conference on Speech Database and Assessments Communication Automatic Syllabification of Bengali in SPPAS
2022 Paris, France Open Science European Conference French Academy of Sciences,
French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS),
National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm),
High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres),
National Research Agency (ANR),
University of Lorraine,
University of Nantes and the Ministry of Higher Education,
Research and Innovation
Open Science
Accessit (honourable mention) to the
Special Jury Prize
2019 Poznań, Poland 9th Language & Technology Conference Adam Mickiewicz University Oral session Search for Inter-Pausal Units: application to Cheese! corpus
2019 Poznań, Poland 9th Language & Technology Conference Adam Mickiewicz University Poster session Filtering multi-levels annotated data
2019 Aix-en-Pce, France 19es Rencontres scientifiques enseignants-chercheurs : Le plurilinguisme dans tous ses états ? LPL Invited speaker Qu’est-ce que tu dis ? Comment l’informatique peut nous aider à segmenter la parole... website
2019 Paris, France Annotation de corpus linguistiques CORLI - Corpus, Langues et Interactions (HumaNum) Teaching (6 hours) Annoter avec SPPAS website
2018 Aix-en-Pce, France TransEVE UNICollaboration: Seminar on research methods to study telecollaboration and virtual exchange Aix-Marseille Université, SPHERE Provence Invited speaker SPPAS : the automatic annotation and analyses of speech
2018 Marseille, France Mois de l'IA : Atelier Open IA Aix-Marseille Université, Symposium & Hackathon IA Invited SPPAS : Annotation automatique et analyse de la parole website
2018 Aix-en-Pce, France XXXIIe Journées d’Études sur la Parole Laboratoire Parole et Langage Poster euh, rire et bruits en parole spontanée : application à l'alignement forcé website
2017 Toulouse, France PAC Annual Meeting PAC - Phonologie de l'Anglais Contemporain Seminar SPPAS: overview
2017 Paris, France Meeting CORLI - Corpus, Langues, Interactions (Humanum) Communication Explorer un corpus annoté : Requêter les corpus multimodaux avec SPPAS
2017 Aix-en-Pce, France Seminar Laboratoire Parole et Langage Communication SPPAS full demonstration
2017 Poznań, Poland 8th Language & Technology Conference Adam Mickiewicz University Oral session Developing Resources for Automated Speech Processing of the African Language Naija (Nigerian Pidgin)
2016 Barcelona, Spain Departament de Filologia Catalana i Lingüística Ganeral, Universitat de Barcelona Teaching (6 hours) Introduction to SPPAS
2016 Aix-en-Pce, France The Phonology of Contemporary English: English Melodies PAC - Phonologie de l'Anglais Contemporain Invited speaker SPPAS ‐ Multi‐lingual Approaches to the Automatic Annotation of Speech
2016 Paris, France The Phonology of Contemporary English: English Melodies PAC - Phonologie de l'Anglais Contemporain Invited speaker SPPAS ‐ Multi‐lingual Approaches to the Automatic Annotation of Speech handout
2015 Paris, France IRCOM - Corpus Oraux et Multimodaux (Humanum - TGIR) Teaching (7 hours) Annnotation automatique et analyse de corpus avec SPPAS website handout
2015 Hong Kong Workshop on Automatic Speech Annotation and Analysis Hong Kong Polytechnic University Teaching (12 hours) SPPAS tutorial: Methodology and software for the semi-automatic annotation and analysis of speech website
2015 Dresden, Germany Tutorial Interspeech International Conference Teaching (3 hours) Methodology and software for the semi-automatic annotation and analysis of speech: Human Language Technology meets Linguists slides
2015 Roma, Italy Workshop on Vocal Archives Sapienza Università di Roma Tutorial Methodology and software for Semi-Automatic multi-domain annotations: annotating, exploring and sharing data slides
2015 Aix-en-Pce, France Annotations : méthodes, outils et interprétationx Laboratoire Parole et Langage Seminar Uncertainty-tolerant framework for multimodal corpus annotation slides
2015 Barcelona, Spain Annotation de corpus multimodaux Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Master in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Teaching (2 hours) Semi-Automatic annotation of multimodal corpora
2014 Aix-en-Pce, France Laboratoire Parole et Langage Teaching (6 hours) Scripting with Python and SPPAS
2014 Marseille, France 21ème Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel Laboratoire Parole et Langage Poster session Extraction de données orales multi-annotées
2014 Nancy, France CS Ortolang (Investissements d'Avenir) ATILF Communication SPPAS - Ortolang slides
2014 Hong Kong 1st VariAMU Workshop Hong Kong Polytechnic University Communication Automatic phonetic labeling with SPPAS website
2014 Aix-en-Pce, France 2nd VariAMU Workshop Laboratoire Parole et Langage Communication Adding Cantonese into SPPAS website
2014 Pisa, Italy First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics Pisa University Oral session A generic tool for the automatic syllabification of Italian
2014 Pisa, Italy the Fourth International Workshop EVALITA 2014 Pisa University Communication The SPPAS participation to Evalita 2014
2014 Reykjavik, Islande 9th International conference on Language Resources and Evaluation ELRA Oral session Automatic detection of other-repetition occurrences: application to French conversational speech
2014 Reykjavik, Islande 9th International conference on Language Resources and Evaluation ELRA Poster session Representing Multimodal Linguistics Annotated Data
2014 Hong Kong 2nd Asian Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference Hong Kong Polytechnic University Communication Automatic Speech Segmentation of French: Corpus Adaptation slides
2013 Toulouse, France Langue, Ville, Travail, Identité (LVTI) CLLE, Univ. Toulouse II Le Mirail Teaching (2 hours) Initiation à SPPAS slides
2013 Aix-en-Pce, France Workshop on Tools and Resources for the Analysis of Speech Prosody Interspeech International Conference Poster session What's new in SPPAS 1.5? poster
2013 Aix-en-Pce, France Séminaire des doctorants Laboratoire Parole et Langage Teaching (3 hours) Utilisation de SPPAS
2012 Taiwan MULTI project (ORCHID funding) Department of Linguistics Communication SPPAS: a tool for the phonetic segmentation of speech slides
2012 Grenoble, France Journées d'Étude sur la Parole Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble Demo SPPAS : segmentation, phonétisation, alignement, syllabation
2012 Grenoble, France JEP-TALN-RECITAL, Atelier Défis Gestes et Langue des Signes Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble Communication SPPAS : un outil "user friendly" pour l'alignement texte/son
2012 Grenoble, France Journées d'Étude sur la Parole Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble Oral session Influence de la transcription sur la phonétisation automatique de corpus oraux
2012 Istanbul, Turkey Language Resources and Evaluation Conference ELRA Oral session SPPAS: a tool for the phonetic segmentations of Speech
2012 Istanbul, Turkey Language Resources and Evaluation Conference ELRA Oral session Orthographic Transcription: Which Enrichment is required for Phonetization?
2012 Shanghai, China Speech Prosody Tongji University Poster session (by Daniel Hirst) SPeech Phonetization Alignment and Syllabification (SPPAS): a tool for the automatic analysis of speech prosody poster
2012 Roma, Italy the third International Workshop EVALITA 2011 NLP working group of AI*IA Communication The SPPAS participation to Evalita 2011 slides
2012 Aix-en-Pce, France Seminar Laboratoire Parole et Langage Communication SPPAS : logiciel, site web, savoir-faire slides
2011 Aix-en-Pce, France Seminar Laboratoire Parole et Langage Communication J4FA : phonétisation, syllabation et alignement slides