Deutsch Language


This chapter describes the linguistic resources included in the file of the lang folder.

List of phonemes

Consonant Plosives

SPPAS IPA Description Examples
p p voiceless bilabial
b b voiced bilabial
t t voiceless alveolar
d d voiced alveolar
k k voiceless velar
g g voiced velar

Consonant Fricatives

SPPAS IPA Description Examples
f f voiceless labiodental
s s voiceless alveolar
S ʃ voiceless postalveolar
z z voiced alveolar
Z ʒ voiced postalveolar
v v voiced labiodental
x x voiceless velar
h h voiceless glottal
C ç voiceless palatal fricative ich , nicht

Consonant Liquids

SPPAS IPA Description Examples
l l alveolar lateral
R ʁ voiced uvular

Consonant Nasals

SPPAS IPA Description Examples
m m bilabial
n n alveolar
N ŋ voiced velar


SPPAS IPA Description Examples
j j voiced palatal
w w voiced labiovelar software


SPPAS IPA Description Examples
E ɛ open-mid front unrounded
E: ɛ: open-mid front unrounded
O ɔ open-mid back rounded
U ʊ near-close near-back rounded
i i close front unrounded
i: i: close front unrounded
u: u: close back rounded
@ ə schwa
I ɪ near-close near-front unrounded
a a open front unrounded
a: a: open front unrounded
2: ø close-mid front rounded
9 œ open-mid front rounded
6 ɐ near-open central vowel besser
e e close-mid front unrounded
o: o: close-mid back rounded
y y close front rounded
y: y: close front rounded
Y ʏ near-close near-front rounded vowel hübsch


SPPAS IPA Description Examples
tS t͡ʃ voiceless postalveolar
ts t͡s voiceless alveolar
dZ d͡ʒ voiced postalveolar

Other symbols

SPPAS IPA Examples
? ʔ
OY ɔʏ


SPPAS Description
laugh laughter
noise noises, unintelligible speech
fp filled pause (äh, eh)
dummy un-transcribed speech


All German lexicons are (c) Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence, France:

  • deu.vocab contains a list of 383k different words;
  • deu.repl allows to convert symbols and abbreviations into a text form.

All of them are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

Help is welcome to create the file deu_num.repl allowing SPPAS to convert numbers to their written form

Pronunciation Dictionary

The German pronunciation dictionary was downloaded from the Ralf catalog of dictionaries for the Simon ASR system at It was then converted (format and phoneset) and corrected by Brigitte Bigi.

It is re-distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

Acoustic model

The model is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License.

The model was created using a Python script available in the SPPAS package: