Persian Language


This chapter describes the linguistic resources included in the file of the lang folder.

The iso-639-3 code of Persian language is PES. The resources are under-construction. Any help is welcome.

List of phonemes

Consonant Plosives

SPPAS IPA Description Examples
b b voiced bilabial
d d voiced alveolar
k k voiceless velar
g g voiced velar
p p voiceless bilabial
q q voiceless uvular
t t voiceless alveolar
G\ ɢ voiced uvular
? ʔ glottal stop

Consonant Fricatives

SPPAS IPA Description Examples
f f voiceless labiodental
h h voiceless glottal
s s voiceless alveolar
S ʃ voiceless postalveolar
v v voiced labiodental
x x voiceless velar
z z voiced alveolar
Z ʒ voiced postalveolar

Consonant Nasals

SPPAS IPA Description Examples
m m bilabial
n n alveolar

Consonant Liquids

SPPAS IPA Description Examples
l l alveolar lateral
r r alveolar trill


SPPAS IPA Description Examples
dZ d͡ʒ voiced postalveolar
tS t͡ʃ voiceless postalveolar


SPPAS IPA Description Examples
j j voiced palatal


SPPAS IPA Description Examples
a a open front unrounded
A ɒ open back rounded
e e close-mid front unrounded
i i close front unrounded
o o close-mid back rounded
u u close back rounded
y y close front rounded


SPPAS Description
laugh laughter
noise noises, unintelligible speech
fp filled pause (euh)
dummy un-transcribed speech

Acoustic Model

The acoustic model was created by Brigitte Bigi from the HMM prototypes extracted from other languages (mainly French and Spanish). The model was then trained with 3 minutes of manually time-aligned data and 26 minutes of manually phonetized data.

UBPA at 40ms of the initial model based on prototypes is 89.83% and UBPA of the final model is 89.96%.

The model was created using a Python script available in the SPPAS package: